
How can i get my parents to give me back my privileges which i have lost because i have played video games

by  |  earlier

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when i was not aloud i played games




  1. Deal with it bucko - these are the consequences of your disobedience,  so live with it and stop whining.  

  2. it will pass dont worry about so many little things

  3. Don't nag them constantly to let you have the video games back.  They really aren't a necessity anyway.

    Do what you are told and after a while, & I mean at least a month if they have not brought it up then you bring it up about getting video game priviledges back.

  4. Just do what they want you to do.. show that you are responsible enough to have those privileges back... because privileges are just that privileges, they can go as easily as they can come... Show them that they can trust you with them again and don't break that trust.

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