
How can i get my parents to let me get a rat?

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my parents don't want me to get a rat because they think they're

smelly and dirty




  1. They do smell in general (as in the animals themselves) and they do smell if you don't clean them out twice a week. We clean out our rats EVERY DAY but when I handle them they still smell! But they are not dirty- they wash themselves religiously.

    They also cost a lot of money to buy the cage etc. so I wouldn't bother unless you have a job to help with the finanical input- parents won't be very glad to buy an expensive cage if they already don't want rats.

    They're nice animals if you can clean them out frequently, handle them daily, and can afford the cage and potential vet bills.

  2. rodents dont make good pets

  3. Hi,

    I've had this fight myself. I lost it unfortuantly. Rats are clean creatures and live for only around 5 years. There also inexpensive. Personally I would reccomend you getting a tame cockatiel instead. Also tell you parents that we would be smelly and dirty if we lived in a small space without all these 'products'.

    Hope I could help,


  4. Rats are smelly and the wild.

    Pet rats are not subjected to living in filth. You take care of them and their cage and they will not smell offensive. Rats actually spend a lot of their time cleaning themselves and their cagemates (yes, they're gregarious. If you get one, you shouldn't be considering a rat for a pet. You need at LEAST one more rat or yours will be miserable when left alone). I would suggest getting information about 'Fancy Rats' and explaining why they make great pets.

  5. tell  them how responsible u R gonna B aka... i promise 2 clean its cage, feed it, etc, then tell them why u want it. they dont have 2 luv it but the gotta no how much u want 1

    option 2: buy 1 and all the c**p urself and tell them ull take care of it. there  gonna like this option better ( btw i did this 1 :-]]]]])

  6. Rats are actually very clean animals, and as long as you clean out there cage and accessories, they remain clean and do not stink.

  7. they are smelly and dirty unless you do alot of work cleaning them all the time and their cages trust me i was just like you and really wanted one thinking they weren't going to be that bad i was going to teach it tricks and stuff and have it sit on my sholder but it wasn't like that they are boreing they stink and you have to clean and change the bedding like every week or so i lost intrest with in the first few weeks then i got fish and now i have lizards lizards are way cooler yup good luck though just make sure that you can comit to them before you get the rats :) good luck :D

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