
How can i get my selfback on a "normal" sleeping schedule?

by  |  earlier

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i usually go to bed at 5am and wake up at 12:30 and i want to get my self back on a normal schedule




  1. sleep earlier.. and set up ure alarm worked for me

  2. It depends on what "normal" is.

    Go lie in bed the time you usually would. If you can't fall asleep, watch TV or even excercise for a bit and see if it helps.

  3. I'm the same exept i wake up at 4.00pm all you have to do is get up early and keep yourself awake all day and go to bed at 9 or 10 after that you'll be back to normal

  4. get up earlier and the rest will follow at nite

  5. start going bed an hour earlier each night and youll wake up and hour earlier each day! ya i gotta do that too for sku ugh gotta wake up at 7 instead of 11. Fun right? lol

  6. Set an alarm clock and then take a shower (this wakes you up). Exercise before bedtime can get you sleepy too.

  7. you say you go to bed at 5 am well you might as well stay up the whole day and then you'll be tired and it will be easy to go to bed early and then the next day you'll wake up early :D

    It's ALWAYS worked for me but i go to bed at 3 am and not 5 am :D

  8. first of all, you gotta stop going to sleep so late. go to sleep early one night around midnight and try to get to sleep (it may be hard) but then wake up the next morning (no matter how much sleep you got) at like, 8 am. then the next night, you'll be tired and ready to sleep around midnight again. and then keep going down an hr till you get to like 10 or 11 pm

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