
How can i get my spike to be harder in volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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is it about the jump or what? also tell me what exercises i can do to help my spike to be harder. thanks!




  1. i believe the power and the "deadliness," if you will, of the ball comes from the snap and swing.

    but to get there, you need the proper timing: when you contact the for the hit you should be at the peak of your jump and you hand should be able to snap on top of the ball.

    you also need the right positioning.  to make the ball go in the downward angle you need to snap [as mentioned above] and be behind the ball as you hit.  if you are in front of the ball, you would have to bend backwards to get the ball and that would just make the ball rainbow over the net.

    to practice, hit your volleyball against a really high wall.  practice the snap and the follow through. the follow through should go across your body, just straight down. start of soft, then go harder and back up with every swing. it works on your power and maybe even you aim!

  2. make sure you don't just use your hitting hand. use your guide hand too and pull through. you'll get a lot more power that way. and yes, jumping high helps you get on top of the ball. jump rope exercises will help.  

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