
How can i get my teeth white?

by  |  earlier

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i brush after every meal, when i wake up and when i go to bed. i also make sure i floss every single day. yet, my teeth still seem yellow!




  1. I used 2 boxes of crest white stips and I constantly get compliments on my teeth! Everyone talks about how white and pretty they are. Buy some because they work!  

  2. Look at what you are eating and drinking.  Colas and coffee and some food can actually make your teeth dirty looking.  Go to the dentist and get a good cleaning, then watch the junk you eat.

  3. zoom 2 is the best

  4. Crest Whitestrips do help as long as they're not too dark yellow. Also, after you drink cola or any other dark drinks (coffee, etc.) brush your teeth right away. It'll help. My dentist just told me about water with caffeine in it. Try our suggestions and see what happens!

  5. since i am not the richest girl in the world, i just went to target and bought some listerine mouth whitening rinse. you swish it around in your mouth before you brush your teeth everytime. when the when bottle is gone, your teeth should be 2-3 shades whiter. the only thing is that it might take longer than crest whitestrips.....

  6. i'd also highly recommend crest white strips! they DO work :)

  7. maybe you should switch your tooth paste. besides you dont want your teeth to white it looks really weird. having a bit of yellowness is normal

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