
How can i get my two gerbils to mate?

by  |  earlier

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they are both 4 months old, i heard that is the right age, and i have considered takin care of all the babies.




  1. If they aren't currently together, put their cages near each other so they'll get used to each other. They may act aggressive or try to fight through the cage, once they calm down, put them together.  Make sure the cage is plenty big enough for them to get away from each other if they so wish.

    Provide plenty of fresh food, clean water and nesting materials. Then give them a little time.

    As long as you have a fertile male and a fertile female you will get babies!

    Be sure to have a HUGE cage or separate the male before the female gives birth.   The male may accidentally eat the babies and the female will be more prone to eat the babies due to stress.

  2. Put them together (after using the split cage method) wait awhile and they should have mated. In about three weeks you'll hear the speaking of little babies!

    P.S Keep the babies!

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