
How can i get myself a girlfriend, a nice one with blonde hair and blue eyes and very rich?

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How can i get myself a girlfriend, a nice one with blonde hair and blue eyes and very rich?




  1. have some muscle, get a good job, get a good house, car and then go woe her into love.

    ....wait...why is this under dining out?.


  2. start dreaming !!!!

  3. Rich, settle for an educated one ok, she'll be rich if she has a good job.

  4. maybe you should sleep so that you can reach the girl in ur dream

  5. OKIE....! Good

  6. Take sleeping pills. That's only going to happen in your dreams.

    Do you honestly think that women are dumb enough to want some moronic, shallow gold-digger?

    Ok, so some might be, but if they are, they're not likely to stay rich for long.

  7. hi..

    if i let u find her will i have 30% of the money u get ???.. if so then u can start by locating Paris Hilton :D.....

    gooooooood lucks and dont forget my share

  8. Kill her husband?

  9. you shallow any more requirements?! obedient? doesn't mind you flirting? threesomes? you need to set your sights on something more attainable and sort out your attitude

  10. At this point man, looks like you should just settle for poor and ugly.

  11. Go back to sleep and keep dreaming......

  12. look around... or... just continue dreaming...

  13. Is that all on your "eligibility criteria" list?! Hey! Why don't you add few more conditions and hit google. Btw, let us all know your age by the time you are able to find one :D

  14. Dont waste your time here....Go Out and Search

  15. Yahoo Personals. Or go drinking in the Kings Road

  16. If your black, become a rapper, or pro baller. If your white, become an actor. If your asian, your ******.

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