
How can i get out of wearing a permanent retainer?

by  |  earlier

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i have an overbite and no crooked teeth and i am getting my braces off soon and i am supposed to get a permanent retainer. which i can't stand the thought i've tried talking my dad out of it but he won't hear me out. please help me with this!




  1. So why did you even get braces if you were not going to follow through with the prescribed treatment.

    Maybe you think  EVERYBODY gets braces, but they DON'T, the LUCKY ones that do are blessed with caring parents who only want the best for their kids teeth, and are willing to pay the price so they won't have a lifetime of crooked teeth....

    You are among the lucky, and want to gripe about it?

    Don't come here!  Wear what is needed and when you are older, you will thank your parents and hopefully be more grown-up about the whole process.

  2. What's wrong with wearing a retainer? If you want your teeth to stay in place and not go back to the way they were before you got braces then you should wear the retainer and go on with life. Sooner or later you won't even notice the fact that you even have a retainer so you'll survive.

  3. So do you want a removeable retainer?  I'm confused.

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