
How can i get over my fear of water?

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Ok. im 13 years old and im taking swim classes! Im running behing! I think my main problem is that im too tense and i cant really trust the water! I can kick my feet and do my arms but i cant put it together! I also cant do the front float or the back float cuz im too tense! PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. Hi, well fear of water is a natural thing, what you need to do is have someone like a mother, father, or a trusting adult get in the water with you outside of class. Have them support you while in the water so you feel safe, and while swimming humm a tune that you find relaxing. Dont be afraid to get your face wet, what you can do is practice. I can give you some methods to help, they are somewhat childish but you get over the fear of water.

    feel free to email me and i will help you try to accomplish your fear, i am actually training for my Water Safety Instructor Certification right now which will allow me to teach swim lessons.

  2. yes I have similar problems too. Try to relax and think calm if you can.

  3. Thought for the day - As written at PRASANTHI NILAYAM Today 15/6/2003

    For what purpose should health be maintained? What is the best use

    to which the body has to be put? For this body, with all its

    equipment of senses, intellect, feeling and memory is an instrument,

    is but an implement to reach a certain goal. The owner of the

    chariot is any day more important than the chariot itself; it is for

    his sake that it has to be kept trim and efficient and in good

    condition. Health is the essential prerequisite for success in all

    aspects of life, for realizing the four ideals that should guide

    humans; moral living, fulfilling beneficial desires, prosperity and

    liberation from grief.

  4. Relax. It's natural to be afraid when you're learning to swim.

    What I found helps is before swim practice recite outloud to yourself the order of arms and legs. For example, butter fly "arms kick kick breathe" then do what your saying on the floor or your bed or something

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