
How can i get over the fear of cockroaches????

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i see a roach and it freaks me out how can i stop this!




  1. Honestly, I'm not sure you should.  Cockroaches are nasty!

    That said, if it's something that's really causing trouble in your life, look for a therapist in your area.  Most psychologists can help you walk through the reasons behind your fears, so that you can use the logical side of your mind to get past them.

  2. I also have a bad roach phobia. And I figure, that confronting the phobia is best instead of getting others to kill it and pick it up. Worst would be running away from it and letting it walk every where in your house. It needs to be killed eventually.

    Like for example, if you see one, grab the roach spray and spray it.  Once it's dead, even if you shake or scream, sweap it up (for example) and throw it away. Don't bother in asking for help, even if you're dying to. Even if someone is around watching you freaking out, YOU do the dirty work. Most likely, they'll tell you to calm down that it's not a big deal. Confront the roach, and look at it, realize that once it's dead there is no chance it'll fly or walk on you.

  3. Is it fear or disgust?  Mine is disgust and I always associate them with filth which is not true.  I have a vacation home in Florida and when I go down I'll often find dead bodies and there is no one living there to give them food or water!  

    If however it's a phobia usually something else traumatic was happening when you were exposed to the varmits which subconsciously caused the phobia.  I suddenly developed a fear of heights and finally figured out why.  My dad had recently (deceased now) been diagnosed with ALS and I kept having to drive through the mountains in TN. to get to Florida to see him.  You can see where I'm going with this.  

    My son forced me on a bungee drop type thing at Royal Gorge in Colorado on last year's vacation and I'm over my fear of heights now.  I'd say face the fear.  Go to a pet shop that sells the nasty critters and stick your arm in the aquarium and let them crawl on you.  Only a suggestion. lol  They are creepy little buggers, aren't they!

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