
How can i get over the fear of losing friends?

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i moved about 2 years ago and my friends live in like the other side of the world.they're my besties and i love them to death and we are still best friends but ever since i moved i have the fear of losing them and sometimes i feel like they dont miss me as much as i miss them which is pretty stupid.

have you had a long distance friendship that worked/didnt work?how did you do it?

and how can i deal with this fear?

thank you!




  1. First off... don't get so scared of losing them! If they're your really good friends they won't ditch you just cos you live on the other side of the world. Keep in touch. Call them up or text them, make sure they text back, MSN, email or even better - use stuff like Facebook or MySpace, the ones that allow you to put photos up of yourself. People like to have an image of the person they're talking to, so the more photos the better, I guess.

    Call them up on their birthdays to show that you remembered, and they'll do the same. Remembering little details matter. Just because you moved away from them doesn't mean you'll stop being friends, you can still be the best besties EVER, but you''ll just talk less since you aren't seeing each other everyday.

    good luck xx

  2. hey.. whats the use of technologies and yahoo if its not so we can still interact w/ our long-distance friends and not losing them? hm.. well.. long distance friendship definitely work.. as long as u text or email or even chat w/ them often..

    i wonder why u still miss them very much while they dont really miss u? also.. now u r in ur new place.. that means a new opportunity to make more friends ^^ or mayb u can find better or funnier friends :)

    thats only my opinion

  3. I know from experience that long range friendships can work! I just kept in touch with my friend that moved away (so did my other friends) through email, and msn. He has come back twice, and both times it has been like he hasn't even left! There is one thing though, you have to move on and make other friends, because that is what your friends back "home" will be doing to. You will always have the past with your close friends, and probably some fun times ahead to, but you cannot just drop the future with your "new" life. Don't forget about your friends, still talk to them and stuff, but enjoy your life of the present to!

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