My 27 Year old sister & 4 year old niece are moving out because we have an apartment built into our home and my sister wants to leave,but my parents don't think she can make it on her own because she's single and when she's here it seems like she still can't make it with us here.I cry because my 4 year old niece is like my little buddy and i don't want to see an empty apartment..I mean i love my sister though,even if she's mean and has no respect but i still love her and i don't want her to.Her boyfriend who just got released from Jail,Is goin' to move in with her in Her new apartment and i dont' want her to get hurt,and neither do my parents.I don't want to go up to my sister and say "don't leave" because i know she'll be like "I have to" but i can't stop crying! I don't want them to leave,I love them both like crazy.My mom & dad says theres' nothing they can do,because this is what my sister wants her to do.We have a pool,a big yard where my niece can play and it won't be the same.