
How can i get over this feeling?

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My 27 Year old sister & 4 year old niece are moving out because we have an apartment built into our home and my sister wants to leave,but my parents don't think she can make it on her own because she's single and when she's here it seems like she still can't make it with us here.I cry because my 4 year old niece is like my little buddy and i don't want to see an empty apartment..I mean i love my sister though,even if she's mean and has no respect but i still love her and i don't want her to.Her boyfriend who just got released from Jail,Is goin' to move in with her in Her new apartment and i dont' want her to get hurt,and neither do my parents.I don't want to go up to my sister and say "don't leave" because i know she'll be like "I have to" but i can't stop crying! I don't want them to leave,I love them both like crazy.My mom & dad says theres' nothing they can do,because this is what my sister wants her to do.We have a pool,a big yard where my niece can play and it won't be the same.




  1. If you can't talk to her in person, write her a letter and just let your heart out. If it doesn't make her stay, at least you've told her exactly how you felt, and know you did the most you could do.

  2. Unfortunately, there is probably noting you can say.  And, your parents are right, if your sister wants to go, she's going to go.  She has to make here own mistakes.  Maybe once she's moved out with the "criminal," she'll see how good she had it at home and them come back.  Keep positive and be there for her when she needs you.

  3. Give your heart out to her and explain why you don't want her to leave. Give special reasons why she should stay, especially positive ones.

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry that you are upset.  I know it's really hard have the people we love in love move away from us.  And I know you are worried about her.

    Unfortunately, if you have told her how you feel then you have done the best you can.  People have to make their own choices in life.  

    Try not to worry too much.  I'm sure you will still get to see your niece and your sister.  

    All the best to you!

  5. Just tell her how you really feel.  Sometimes that's what a person needs to hear sometimes.

  6. say i really want u to stay and  i really love you and then start crying .

  7. Well i don't really have much experience in this but surely if you love your sister then you'll let her go with her boyfriend if she loves him. Also, i hate to say it but my sister's gonna be leaving my home too, she has to leave eventually. When they're gone it won't be as bad as you think. My advice is to have a quiet chat with her and make sure she knows what shes doing and if she really wants to do it. If she does then try and get through the hard time when she leaves and just after she leaves. Things will be fine soon, and h**l u'll most likely see ur sis and neice every other day when she brings her washing round for your mum to do :P Hope this has helped :)

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