
How can i get people to save energy?

by  |  earlier

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i think every one can,should and will (in the end) save enegy

this is only one way to help the world. If only all the worlds people think like me!!!!!




  1. i am also trying to get people to save energy and all i hav come up with is let them know that if they dont do it they will pay a huge prize.

  2. people have to want to change they have to want to pack out they have to want to care it just seems like there not listening and they should have to pay 3 times as much its that simple if there not going to care

  3. Only because Al Gore got so much bad press for how he was really living.  I agree that it is just a screen.  BTW I am Dem but think the Rep are more sensible on this issue.

  4. Mind your own business.  I hate it when people try to tell me how to live my life.  

    Maybe I should go around and try to get people to use more energy.

  5. Your could lecture until your throat was dry..the best is to be a positive role model so that others are encouraged to behave in the same way.  It worked with my daughters, and my grandaughter has picked up on good behaviors as well.  Keep it up:)

  6. I'm willing to be energy conscious and conserve to a reasonable degree, but I will not drive around in a cardboard biodegradable car.  I have earned and will enjoy some nice creature conforts in my life.  Yes, I have parked my van which gets 18 mpg on a good day and mostly ride my 250 cc scooter.  But this is by choice.  I'm sick and tired of paying exorbitant gas prices.  

    The liberal dems have had their stranglehold on responsible conservative Republicans who have been trying to introduce and pass responsible and realistic energy policy for years and have been struck down consistentently.  Now if they just have the "gooluns" to unite for change to these policies and we can begin to finally tap our vast oil reserves, then we are making progress.  

    In the meantime dear, enjoy your cardboard car, running on batteries while Al Gore passes overhead in his private jet and then goes home to his energy-sucking house.  

    Wake up sweetheart and learn and recognize who the enemy really is.

  7. Go from house to house and hand out pamphlets.  Don't stand at their door and lecture them but give them pamphlets with facts and reasons and Q and A sort of things along with ways to go green.  Personally I believe as a Christian though that we can't get people to turn from the old ways.  God says that even once man realizes what he's doing and what's going wrong that he still will not turn from his ways.  This is what I believe is the world coming to an end so God can come save his followers.  Look at what's happening and then read the book of Revelations.  Coincadence? Or is the prophecy unraveling?

  8. What a nice question.  You're already helping other people take the next step because you're leading by example.

    I am amazed at the vitriol that comes from Republicans like "seaeagle" who has "earned and is going to enjoy some creature comforts in life."  He bought a scooter to get back at the liberal dems who don't want to drill our "vast" oil reserves in the last pristine nature preserve in the U.S.   Those "vast" reserves don't exist - just a small amount of oil that would only make it so that we take even longer to develop alternative energies.  All Republicans care about is their money and "creature comforts in life."  Disgusting.  

    By the way, Al Gore's house is now a paragon of virtue in the category of green energy with solar panels, a clean water collection system and geothermal heating.  Republicans are also willing to lie to promote their own agenda.

  9. lead by example.

    join environment groups. participate in awareness campaigns...

    or if you dont have time .. do what you can and at least make people who you interact with daily do something to save energy.

  10. you cant make people save energy

  11. Lead by example.

    Turn off your computer, your TV, your lights, your air conditioner, unplug your fridge, your microwave, turn off your iPod, unplug your electronic clocks, turn off your water heater, sell your car and drive a bike.  Then you can read used books by candle light and write letters on recycled paper.

    Trying get other people to do things that you aren't willing to do yourself is hypocrisy.  But if you are named Al Gore, with a house that has a "carbon footprint" 15 times greater than that of the average American, you get a Nobel Prize to go with your hypsocrisy.

  12. im so into dat ok if ur artistic paint pictures about da earth to hang in sco0lz/ libraries/ ect. get ur frends to do da same, join enviornmental groups if u lik speaking, giv lectures =]]]]

  13. Definitely lead by example. Do everything you can to rub it in people's faces that you are doing everything you can to save energy and they are not.

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