
How can i get physique of bruce lee?

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i want to get physique like bruce lee

how long it will take me to get there?




  1. depends on what you look like now, if your 300lbs at 4ft 5 a long time is the answer were as if you way say 160-180 at about 18-25 % body fat proberbly take you 3-6 months

    metho id use to do it

    1) run 20-25 min every morning trying to get up to 3-4 miles done

    2) train with weights for 1 hour 3x weekly in circut format . basic routin gose somthig like

    squats-bench press- chins-standing shoulder press-dead lifts-push ups-lunges-barbell row- seated dumbell press

    go through that 10 times no rest aiming for 15 reps per exercise will help

    3) go boxing or thy boxing every day. yer i know brucie lee did kung fu but he evolved to encorperate any thing from other marshal arts that would be efective at helping you rip the over guys head cleen of.

    Any way the reasion i say start with one of if there both hard core and will help to sculped that pheseque faster.

    4) diet, you can run a mrathon every day but if you eat nothing but crispy creams you ant going to lose an ounce of that bluber to reveal the bruice lee with in

    simple diet eat every 2-3 hours

    meal 1 (after run) omlet 8-10 egg whites 1 yock what ever veg you like 100g sweet potato

    meal 2 blend 50g oats with 1 pint soya milk and 1 banana

    meal 3 14+oz steak all the veg you want

    meal 4 same as meal 2

    meal 5 300g salmon steak  and veg

    meal 6 same as meal 2

    add 1tea spoon of coold pressed flax seed oil with each milk shake (good oil helps body burn fat and most importantly keeps you healthy)

  2. dont ever ride in a automobile again run everywere

  3. Years,and years,and years of training

  4. do tons of cardio.  Cardio burns fat and bruce lee had a very low body fat percentage.  Train with weights also.

  5. Bruce Lee wasn't physique. He was skinny like a drug user!

  6. Bruce trained with weights, but not to get bulky. Bruce ate a lot of meals through out the day. He also used protein powder frequently. But the main thing for Bruce was cardio. Bruce would jog hilly roads backwards, sideways. He would then go home and ride the stationary bike for 45minutes to an hour. Bruce was also fanatical about abdominal exercises. It will be really hard to get a body like Bruce. Bruce had incredible drive and determination. He also had the genetics to be thin. How many overweight orientals do you see? Not many.

  7. depending on what point u are now. i mean if u're FIT with an "A" instead of " I " it'll take u a couple dozen of years, and if u already have a lot more muscles than bruce then it'll be basically impossible. you only chance is too be already skinny and lift weight to shape your body instead of getting bigger, then it should take u a couple of months. And to shape your body you work out with more weight but make much less reps.

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