
How can i get ready for vball?

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Conditioing starts August 1...

Try outs:August 13 && 14

volleyball is my favorite sport

but im not to good at it.

how can i make sure im good at it

and i get a spot on the team.

warmups,drills,anything i can do..

Above is what im looking for

extra stuff will make it so you

get the 10 points.




  1. eat right obviously, and get in touch with the HIIT strategy. High Intensity Interval Training. i've built up a lot of muscle, flexibility and speed with it. start with something simple for u. stretch first. some pushups and situps to get your body warm and ready. then jog for 5 minutes. i suggest listening to a good workout song and timing yourself. after jogging, sprint for a good whole minute. a sprint is giving everything you've got k? do this until u r burned out. it is very effective. u can continue this regimen for as long as u wish but i highly suggest u keep it for at least one month. u will become fit and tight, and awesome at volleyball. good luck and i hope u become MVP!

  2. conditioning is most likely going to have very little volleyball in it so you want to start running alot and hitting the weight room. do alot of leg exercises but also be sure to do some arm so your hitting will be stronger. Don't do any heavy weight lifting the 2 days prior to conditioning or you'll be sore. it is OK to do some light stuff. To get better at the actual game, pass a ball against a wall every day, set to your self while your watching TV or just laying down in bed. practice your approach everywhere you go, if your just walking around your house throw some right left rights in your steps so they will come natural to you on the court. make sure your hand to ball contact is good or your serving and hitting will be bad. to improve on this, hit a ball against a wall. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY... don't get frustrated if you cat do all this right away. if you get frustrated you will give up more easily

               good luck at try outs ; )

  3. You can get a jumpstart on conditioning by running and doing agilities everyday, so on Aug. 1st you won't be passing out or throwing up.  As for actual skills, work on ball control and serving.  Bump a volleyball against a wall and keep in under control for 20 continuous hits.  Once you master this, go for more hits.  And work on serving, because if you can bump and serve you can pick up everything else later.

  4. Do what the other people suggest but also do some squats otherwise your bum and thighs will hurt after tryouts.

  5. The training part like everyone else said is good, but most importantly try joing some pick-up games. You need to practive actually playing the game. Most rec centers have a night or two where the volleyball nets are set up, try going and playing one night. I'm sure people there can help you out if you are messing up .

  6. First off...try finding a general skills camp in your area.  This will help you to brush up and polish all of your skills.

    Second, you need to believe in yourself that you can do it, hard work always pays off.

    Now, I would reccomend you start your conditioning now.  Its always good to be in shape when the season starts, not expect the season to get you in shape.

    Be open to playing any position.  Thats the best way to get a spot on a team.  If theres no defensive player, you play defense.  If theres no middle, you're a middle.  

    If you have a volleyball at home, set it against the wall 100-200 times every day, if not more.  I used to set in my bed 300 times each night before I went to sleep.  Also, you can pass the ball to yourself outside and just keep doing that.

    This may sound funny, but practice your hitting approach up and down your street.  Do it at least 50-100 times a day.  It will make your approach that much more consistant. It will also help get you in shape.

    You have got to go into tryouts with a positive attitude and show the coaches that you are willing to work extremely hard to make the team.  Coaches love hardworkers with good attitudes.  

    Thats all I've got for now...GOOD LUCK!

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