
How can i get rich?

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any ideas?




  1. Get  good education in a field you like which also pays well. Get your degree and then get a job in that field. Be the best you can be in it. Do a good job and get noticed. Move up the ladder and get raises. All along the way, live well within your means. Spend much less than you earn. Save and invest the rest. If your employer has a 401K plan, take full advantage of it. If not, open your own IRA. As you get raises continue to increase your contributions until you hit the maximums. Then start investing in stocks, bonds and mutual funds outside of tax advantaged accounts. Move up the ladder, save, save, save. Do this all and you will do very well. And lastly, avoid a messy divorce. That single act can ruin all the above plans. Good luck to you.

  2. Get a good education.  Make sure you read, write and spell well.  Understand math through at least geometry.  Read a lot.

    Learn to SAVE.  Capital gives you a big advantage.

    You do not need to marry a rich person but be sure your mate is ambitious as well.  You both need to be willing to make some financial sacrifices in the early years to be well-off later.

  3. Find and marry a rich person.

    Get education, become smart, get a good job, get some experience and than start your own business.
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