
How can i get rid of a BIIIG migraine???

by  |  earlier

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i already took asprins, i dont have anytime to go to the doctors and i havent been able to sleep since 4 cuz i woke up with so much pain my whole head and face, literally hurts like its gonna all explode or something..what can i do?HELP!!!




  1. take two excedrin migraine and drink a cup of coffee.  The high caffeine

    content sometimes does it for me.  Freeze a wet washcloth, and go lay down in a dark room for awhile.  This helps when I have no way of getting my imitrex.

  2. First of all, you need to lie down in a quiet place.

    Put a cold compress on your head... a washcloth soaked in cold water and wrung out medium dry should be good. Fold it into thirds and put it over your eyes and forehead.

    You can safely take double the recommended dose of aspirin or Ibuprofen for a short term. You can also add Tylenol, since it works differently and can have a good effect when combined with non-steroidal antiinflammatories such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

    If this is your first episode, I hope this helps. If you've had this before, you should see a doctor. He or she can prescribe stronger medication for your migraines, and also determine whether or not they are secondary to another problem.

  3. Go lie down in a dark room and use a cold compress. Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy for headaches works wonders. Also try wetting your head. (The light from the cpu can't be helping, so maybe logging off for a while until you feel better might be best)

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