
How can i get rid of a bad cold?

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I have had a cold for 2 weeks and no matter what i will not go. My cold is: a very sort throat, blocked nose(And when it is unblocked i have a runny nose), at the top of my stomach it hurts from the non stop coughing (which cause me headaces) and loss of appetite. I have been going to the doctor allot and changing from medicine to medicine yet i am not getting any better. I have been put on antibiotics flu and cold tables and many other types. What would be some other good ways or remedies to natural get rid of a cold?




  1. The common cold is a viral disease so there are no medicines available for it. It'll take its own sweet time going. Dont burden urself with unnecessary medication.

    Rest well, try having more of warm liquids like tea, soups, hot chocolate. It helps. Keep lozenges close at hand to control the cough. Also keep urself warm and dont unnecessarily expose urself to cold things.

    Get well soon

  2. If it's a cold, there is no medicine that will fight

    the virus directly.

    The best that can be done is to support your

    body as it fights the virus.

    Get rest, stay warm, drink plenty of fluids.

    Keep your Vitamin C and B complex levels high as

    this seems to help.

  3. sit in the sauna or stand in the shower and let the steam clear your nose or you can stand over the sink with a towel over your head and let the steam break up all that mucus and you can cough it up. drink lots of homeade lemonade. the acid helps break up the mucus too.

  4. Getting rid of a cold is an all too daunting endeavor for many of us. It’s hard enough to deal with the cold symptoms: sneezing, inflamed sinuses, hoarse coughs, sore throats, fevers, headaches and muscle/joint pains.

    1)Garlic contains a couple of interesting compounds, most notably alliin and alliinase, which produce allicin—a naturally occurring antibiotic agent caused by the digestion of fresh garlic cloves. Here’s the thing. A lot of people don’t like the taste of garlic, but in order to get the best out of this treatment, you have to eat fresh garlic cloves. . So, it’s up to you: smell bad or get better soon?

    2)Everyone's body works a little differently when it comes to fighting a cold. Whenever I get a bad cold, I normally just drink nothing but water, Orange Juice, and Cinnamon Tea (although, just about any tea can work wonders with a cold). To relieve the stuffy nose/congestion, use Vapor Rub found in any CVS/Walgreens store (it really works well). Of course you know that plenty of rest helps too. Make sure you keep your window opened a little bit in your room to air out your room and let the germs escape. If you have trouble sleeping, take a couple teaspoons of Nyquil (or similar store brand) and that'll wipe you right out. In time, I'm sure you'll feel better!

    3)Natural Cold Cures and Home Remedies

    Common Sense Treatments

    Drink lots of fluids (very important).

    Get plenty of rest (preferably in bed).

    Eat a nutritious diet.

    Salt Water

    Gargling with salt water or using it to flush the nose can help reduce swelling and irritation.

    Spicy Food

    If your throat isn’t irritated and you can handle it, eating something spicy can temporarily clear up a stuffy head.

    Chicken Soup

    Though there hasn’t yet been any research that supports this, chicken soup remains a popular folk remedy for helping cure colds.

    Steam Inhalation

    This is effective for colds caused by members of the rhinovirus family due to their inability to survive at elevated temperatures. It can be achieved by sitting in a hot sauna or breathing the steam produced by hot water. Be careful not to burn yourself, and if you choose to sit in a sauna, make sure you stay hydrated.

    Herbal Cures, Vitamins, and Mineral Supplementation

  5. Improve your immunity. Just go for gym and try to maintain discipline in routine...

  6. You cannot kill or destroy a cold or virus directly.

    You should take the following actions:

    1) Lots of Sleep

    2) Keep water levels in body high, drink stuff like lucozade and powerade, that contain high surclose and glucose

    3) And visit doctor for some sought of medicine or drug

  7. it sounds like allergies i have them really bad and its pretty much all the same stuff that i feel

  8. To which country do you belong????

  9. tell the cold to go f*ck itself. thats what works for me, lol.

  10. apart from lots of rest, plenty of fluids and paracetamol every 4 hours what else can i do. i just cant shift this cold which i've had over a week now. !!!

    Everyone's body works a little differently when it comes to fighting a cold. Whenever I get a bad cold, I normally just drink nothing but water, Orange Juice, and Cinnamon Tea (although, just about any tea can work wonders with a cold). To relieve the stuffy nose/congestion, use Vapor Rub found in any CVS/Walgreens store (it really works well). Of course you know that plenty of rest helps too. Make sure you keep your window opened a little bit in your room to air out your room and let the germs escape. If you have trouble sleeping, take a couple teaspoons of Nyquil (or similar store brand) and that'll wipe you right out. In time, I'm sure you'll feel better!

  11. Trade it for a Good Warm.

  12. sleep and cover your middle body ( stomach zone  )with a heavy cover and drink hot drinking

  13. Drink lots of liquids (especially orange juice and chamomille tea with honey for a sore throat), and wash your nose with salt water (you should buy it at a drugstore) every for hours. other than that you cant do much.. I have allegra and it helps with the syntomps (fexofenadine HCl)

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