
How can i get rid of a headache?

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How can i get rid of a headache?




  1. cold pack on the forehead and back of neck .  Lay in a dark quiet room...

  2. If you do not like to use drugs to get over your headache, drink herbal tea. It actually works.

  3. Use some tylenol, go into a dark room, no noise and a cold wash cloth over your eyes can help

  4. advil

  5. I usually get tension headaches more than anything else. They start in my neck and extend upward into the back of my head behind my ears. If Excedrin doesn't work, I take a heating pad and lie with it draped over the arm of the couch. I lie just so my neck rests on the heating pad and my head is on the top of the couch arm.

    Excedrin does make different medicines with minimal additions (like caffeine) to help different types of headaches. Tension, Migraine, etc.

    Good luck!

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