
How can i get rid of a spider?

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I let this spider build a web, like a month ago on my balcony, it was sooo cute and i thought it would die or something in a few days, but now it's grown twice it's size and im scare of it... i tried pouring water on it but it didnt leave... what can i do?




  1. kill it if ur scared of it.

  2. First, you must remove the spider from the area. You can do this by taking a clear glass jar and a piece of card board. Put the jar over the spider and clasp the paper to the jar trapping the little critter inside. Take him away from your home and release him from the jar. Also, tear down the web. You might want to wear gloves.

  3. Put him in a little box with some food, and mail him to your ex.

  4. If it's not in your way, just let it be. The spider is actually beneficial in catching flying insects (ex: roaches). If you can't bear the thought of it staying, simply take a clean container, like a margarine tub, place the tub over the spider on the web and place the lid on the back of the web. The spider will be caught inside and you can then take it to a local woods or field and release it.

    Good luck and don't be scared. They're harmless. :)  

  5. put on some goves get him and throw him out!

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