
How can i get rid of cocroaches?

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lately ive been spotting roaches at my house

please help how can i get rid of them




  1. are they the big ones or the tiny baby ones?  We have pine trees close to our house...and ugh...that means cockroaches!  but my husband keeps the inside of our house sprayed...but here and there a big one makes their way into our long as they are the big ones and not the baby ones I don't feel as bad...but I sure hate them!




  2. Boric acid powder is the common and not very risky (for people) solution, but the real secret is getting it where it does the most good.  I had an ongoing minor problem that went away when I realized that the space under the cabinets was not being treated.  I drilled a small hole in the toe kick plate of each and used the long thin tube on Bengal Roach spray to do a quick dose there and the roaches disappeared.  

  3. eat them... they are very crunchy.....

  4. you need boric acid power its found in the garden center at most

    walmarts. or you can use their natural control bacilius thurogensus

    a dry power fungus they cuts off their disgestive system th die and dry out and dont mature to reproduce and they carry the powder back to the nest brushing over each other they spread the powder to each other and they clean them selves by l*****g themselves all over

    with their arms and feelers. try spraying them with regular ant spray

    with pyretheryines in it the main ingredient in raid. it kills the males and females but females with eggs sacks will propagate more

    new bugs for the dead mothers become food for the babes.

    The babes will canabalize mom and some will die but enough survive to

    make or grow a new nest so it may take several or ongoing

    treatments of the boric acid in a line all around your edge of your house

    and replenish the powder after it rains so the nest die as they

    pass thru te boric acid it dry out there stomach effectively

    they dry out from the outside in. and they die but roaches that leave and dont get exposed will moc=ve n and make more nest.

    Keep treating until way after you have not seen one roach for years

    otherwise they will reestablish and make new nests else wherethat not treated and return when they spray to rid them there.

    The rule is see one and you have a hundred you dont see. se two

    and youve got a small problem see more than five call a bug company and advise neighbors have them all spray at the same time and on the same day.

    Cockroaches like fallen leaves and damp less traveled areas to breed.

    They are sensitive to movement and can be very hard to swat cause they move at forty miles a hour. they eat or feed on all foods we eat they also can live on cooked on oils under the burners on the stove and live int he water trays nder the fridge theylove warm moist areas.

    I moved into a old house in a old area of town close to a resturant district and they had them I ot them all the time cause the food places had to bomb every other day due to health codes here to reduce and

    keep the bugs out the food products but the sewers were fulland the

    local mice and field rats were having their full of the little bugs

    and the neighborhood was amased in mice calls and roach shuddering

    stooories and we saw one or two and took every precaution to

    keep them at bay I finally gave up sold and left. the suburbs still are

    somewhat free of these buggers. so i gave you three product to get

    to rid yourself of them lastly call out a professional if you see them when you turn out the lights or hear them crawling n bags in the kitchen when you got to bed and listen for platic bags rustleing.

    or they love dog dry foods and cereals and of course the oil built up under the burners on the stove or the bread bags yucko.

    I hate roaches with a passion cause I lived in the swamps of North carolina for two year during the military and the old building on base were so full of roaches they fought the mice and won.

    the vending machines uck i would never eat out of the vending machines they lived inside the circuit boards and fed on the open bag

    some people opened bags anf the bag was replaced by roaches instead of doritos chips they got a plate full of big bugs gag.


  5. Throw all uneaten food waste and garbage in plastic bags tie them up. Don't leave uneaten foodstuff over night unkept. Mop floors with antiseptic detergent. Put mothballs in cupboards drawers and containers like carton boxes that you do not often use. Lastly dust and tidy, throw away old stuff and keep the house uncluttered as possible. A neat and clean tidy home do not give roaches a chance to hide and make your home theirs.

  6. Stomp on em.  

  7. move out of the hood

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