
How can i get rid of ding dong ditchers that are 15 yrsold i cant catch?

by  |  earlier

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They ring my bell 11;30 10;30,at night, I'm so tired, my property is very large, ileave light on but can't catch in nj should i call police?




  1. booby traps or a trained german shepard, that will do the trick. I used to ring doorbells in Nj about 35 years ago LoL

  2. Yes, or set up a fake camera. Just need a blinking light to scare them or a motion detector light.

  3. y'know i'd discharge a shotgun at the front door next time...they'll stop.

  4. I think you should ask the police if it's even possible to report them. And if you can, i suggest you hide a video camera by the door, so that you can catch them in the act. Plus, it'll be recorded and you can show the police. Even if the police say that they can't do anything about it, i suggest you record them or just tell them that you did, then threaten to tell the police. I doubt they have enough guts to keep doing it if they think that the police could get involoved. They're 15!

  5. I would try somehow maybe catching them on video... and if you can not, then yes, by all means call the police. That is extremely rude and if it is keeping you awake at night then it is a disturbance and the police can maybe check out your house around those times to see if they can catch the kids doing it. The kids most likely will get off with a warning... I hope this helps. Also, I do know that sometimes just ignoring them makes them get bored so they decide not to do it anymore. Unless of course you have tried that all ready. I am really sorry that you have such inconsiderate children waking you up or keeping you awake, I really do not see the why ding dong ditch is so appealing.

  6. Put something on the door bell like vaseline or something.  Also, put someting slippery on the floor that they will walk on  and hopefully bust their butts.... just don't forget what you put where.  You know, I think that you can get a motion activated camera in the hunting section of Walmart.

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