
How can i get rid of my canker soar?

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I seem to get them a lot. How can I can i make it heal faster and is there any way of preventing them?




  1. Try rinsing your mouth with a liquid antacid.  Don't swallow it and wait at least 10 minutes before drinking or eating.   You might also want to consider a sensitivity to acidic foods like peppers, tomatoes, oranges....  I was experiencing recurring canker sores and finally traced it to my love of bell peppers.  Once or twice a week and I'm fine.  More than that they start popping up.  Good Luck!

  2. Canker sores come and go as they please, and there's no way to really make them go away quicker. Your body will heal itself at its own pace, but reducing stress will help to make your body more efficient.

    Like cold sores (which are caused by a type of herpes virus), canker sores tend to pop up when a person is under a lot of stress. This could be physical stress, emotional stress, or just any stress in general (work, family, friends, etc.). So try to take some time for yourself and relax a bit each day. When you get a canker sore, don't touch or rub it with your tongue, fingers, or toothbrush-- just leave it alone to heal. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day as usual to keep it relatively "clean" in there, but use water to rinse instead of mouthwash until the sore is gone (mouthwash might irritate it). Also avoid foods and beverages that might irritate it, like juices, pop, hot sauce and other acidic or spicy things.

    Next time you see your dentist or doctor, ask him/her if there are any other good ways to prevent canker sores. Good luck! I know those canker sores are a pain!

  3. There is no cure for canker sores,sorry. Canker sores are usually found on the movable parts of the mouth such as the tongue or the inside linings of the lips and cheeks. They begin as small oval or round reddish swellings, which usually burst within a day. The ruptured sores are covered by a thin white or yellow membrane and edged by a red halo. Generally, they heal within 2 weeks.

    Get rid of Canker Sores

    Baking Soda - Canker sores and baking soda have been a good combination for many years now. Mix in a teaspoon of baking soda with some warm water and rinse in your mouth several times a day. The pain should go away within 24 hours. You can also mix the baking soda and a little water together to form a paste that you can then take and rub onto the sore itself. Canker sores and baking soda is very good remedy for those asking how to get rid of canker sores.

    Baking soda is a time honored remedy that can be used in powder form, or made into a paste and applied directly to the sore. This is another one that might sting a bit at first, but repeated treatments are reported to clear up canker sores in a couple of days.

    Tea Tree Oil - Mix 10% tea tree oil with 90% water and rinse in your mouth once or twice a day. Tea tree oil is well known as being a great skin disinfectant.

    Alum from the spice section of your grocery store will relieve pain and speed healing, but will burn like crazy for a few minutes once it is applied. Do this once or twice a day, but be prepared for the burning, and rinse your mouth out well afterwards.

    The extract of grapefruit seed is a great remedy. Use five or six drops in a glass of water and use as a mouthwash once daily. It is an excellent disinfectant.

    Acidophilus taken in either capsule form or as an ingredient in plain yogurt may stimulate the immune system. Taking 2-4 capsules four times a day with milk has proven to both reduce the pain, and speed up the healing process.Yogurt containing the bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus can help prevent canker sores, according to some experts. The thing is, you need to find a yogurt that states plainly on their packaging that their product does in fact contain an active culture of acidophilus.

    Mix 1 tsp honey with 1/4 tsp turmeric. Use a cotton swab to dab it on the canker sores.

    Mix some salt with vinegar. Use the solution to rinse the canker sores, three times a day.

    Moisten a regular tea bag and place it directly on the canker sores. It helps in drying out the sores.

    If a canker sore is particularly painful, you should try using a product like Orabase by Colgate. Orabase contains benzocaine, a local anesthetic that can be applied to the canker sore to relieve severe pain. There are a number of products like Orabase on the market, and anything that contains benzocaine, lidocaine, or phenol—really, any type of local anesthetic—should do the trick if you have a particularly painful canker sore.

    Oral-B Rembrandt Canker Sore Toothpaste is specifically designed to help prevent canker sores and ease some of the pain associated with a canker sore outbreak.

    Zinc Lozenges are yet another natural canker sore remedy. Zinc, is known to be a natural antibiotic agent, which means if canker sores are caused by a bacterial infection, a zinc lozenge should help to treat canker sores.

    I hope this was helpful,Take Care!!! :)

  4. go to the drugstore & purchase Lysine (it is in the vitamen health supplement area) It helps with the healing and helps prevent future ones.  

  5. Yes, try these:

    For Mouth Pain due to Canker Sores, Biting or Burns

    • Zilactin-B by Zila Pharmaceuticals

    • OraBase by Colgate

    • Rincinol P.R.N. by John O. Butler

    • Orajel—Mouth Sore Medicine Gel or Discs by Orajel Co.

    • Available over the counter at most pharmacies.

    • If the lesion does not heal in 10-14 days please call for an appointment to have it checked.

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