
How can i get rid of my consistent mouth ulcers on the insides of my lips?

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I have HUGE mouth ulcers & they last for a few months at a time. I cannot talk aloud very well without extreme pain!!! I wanted a quick cure for the ulcers & any tips that may help. Please answer as quckly as possible, because I cannot withstand the pain!!!:(




  1. You didn't specify what type of ulcers they are, but I am assuming you mean canker sores. Canker sores can be caused by a number of things, but one of the leading causes is an ingredient in most beauty products, including toothpaste, called "sodium lauryl sulfate". Sodium lauryl sulfate is a foaming agent, and in many laboratory tests it is used as a skin irritant. I researched a lot about this because I have suffered from canker sores my entire life. About a year ago, I finally decided to make the switch and use only salt and baking soda to brush my teeth, and almost immediately I ceased to get these ulcers. I have not gotten any since, And since then I have found toothpastes at Whole Foods Market and other health food stores that don't have SLS in them. Tom's brand is one of them, and this can usually be found at Wal-Mart. If you don't feel like going out and buying new toothpaste, though, I would stick to flossing and brushing with baking soda, and then possibly rinsing your mouth with listerine mouthwash. Listerine mouthwash contains no SLS (although Listerine brand toothpaste does). Good luck!

  2. Bullocks!

    The best thing to get rid of the immediate pain is oragel.  

    Canker sores, Apthous ulcer, viral oral herpes, can occur for many reasons, as stated above, the one or two consistent answers that appear is dehydration and lack of rest.  Which could be mutually inclusive.  i.e. if your up all night you will naturally dehydrate.

    One bit of info that may or may not be useful is that the virus that causes one type of cankersore actually live deep inside the nerve to your mouth (lip &cheek) and is dormant most of the time.

    For what ever reason it is activated and you get the lip canker sores mostly but they could just as easily be inside the lip.  

    Many patients experience weeks to months of activity of canker sores followed by years of inactivity.  There are just too many types of viruses to know which one is affecting you.   Also by the time you try to solve the problem the symptoms is usually gone.

    For now use the oragel, drink plenty of the water, and get sleep.  

    There is no easy way to get rid of the pain.  

    You can have treated with a laser for temporary relief.  All this does is put the nerve endings to sleep for a week or so.  I've used it hit or miss.  Some patients report  great results & others no effect at all.


  3. Rinsing your mouth with (warm) salt water can really help. It might sting at first, but it helps heal them faster.

    If you drink/eat a lot of acidic things (oranges, orange juice, grape juice, lemon, lime, etc.) or even spicy things, they're also more likely to come.

    You can also get some numbing stuff (orajel?) and put that on the ulcers if they hurt really bad.

    If they keep happening, and they should last no more than a week, you should see your dentist/doctor.

  4. The usual reason for reoccuring mouth ulcers like yours is anaemia.

    A treatment with iron tablets, available from the Chemist, will help heal the ones you have now and prevent new ones.

    BUT it's a good idea to have a blood test done first to see what else you are defeciant in and how low your iron levels are.

    For now, use a numbing agent such as babie's Bongela (teething gel) and rinse with warm, salty water.

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