
How can i get rid of my fear of thunder?

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I just started having fear of thunder not to long ago. A storm passes by my house and i was sound asleep, One lighting hit by my house and was super loud, i jumped out of my bed terrified. since then its crazy when a storm comes by.

A storm passed by yesterd night and i was still awake, i felt the house shake a bit, i looked out my window and saw some lighting, i started freaking out, i could harly breathe, my heart was at an unatural pace and well to the point i was about to cry. i stayed 3 hours with my fingers plugged in my ears, i was desperate for sleep but couldnt. when i finally let go to see if the storm passed by, A huge thunder by my house just so happened to pass by so again for another hour with my ears plugged. Im not afraid of lighting its all the sound. PLEASE HELP! =[




  1. Hey Dude

    May finally be able to offer someone some useful help. I was sh*t scared of thunder as a kid but grew out of it. As a farmer checking on calving cows in the middle of night in winter had to endure some awful storms so just got used to it. Then I had kids that were very extremely scared of thunder and lightning so as an avid photographer they saw me getting out to try to get that perfect lightning bolt on film. They thought I was mad but when I got them a digital camera each they wanted to get the perfect picture too. Now they are not happy if we get a storm in the daytime 'cos the pictures don't work. So I would suggest you get under a verandah or patio or whatever at night and watch the excellent light show that nature provides. Even though it might be a bit scary it will be exhilarating and get the adrenalin running if it is a decent storm. As time goes by you will get used to it. A few beers would not go astray for some Dutch carriage also.

  2. I don't know, but when you find out... fill me in on it!!!!  I'm am deathly afraid of lightning.  I feel ridiculous, but I just can't help it.

  3. Thunder can't hurt you.  It's the lightning that can.  I use to be the same way when I was little.  Thunder startles me at night when I'm trying to sleep but I think that happens with everyone at some point.  Trying learning about weather.  That's what I did.  If you have a better understanding for it you won't be as afraid.

  4. Try having a friend over when the thunder hits - the distraction of a calm loved one will help you ignore the thunder.

    And also try putting on headphones with your favorite upbeat music while the thunder rolls. If you are dancing or just enjoying jazzy music, loud booms outside won't matter as much. They might even feel like syncopation.

    Also learn more about thunder and watch the skies, count the seconds between booms to see how far away the lightning can be fascinating and when you are thinking analytically about thunder and how it fits into creation, it is not as scary as when it is just a loud, house-shaking noise.

  5. Your suffering from what's called shell shock.Solders from the wars suffer the same way. Look at it this way, in a storm, it's relatively safe when you hear thunder. The problem is when you don't, because you have been hit, probably dead. So don't worry just make sure you not under a tree or in clear ground with you being the tallest item. This may require to lay in a ditch until the storm passes

  6. It sounds like you are having panic attacks when you hear thunder. The only way you are going to get over it is to keep going through it. It will start to get easier. The panic attacks are caused by not wanting to go through the feelings and emotions that you went through when your house was struck by lightning. Let me know if I need to explain it better. I

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