
How can i get rid of my pimples without putting any products on it?

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How can i get rid of my pimples without putting any products on it?




  1. use toothpaste and drink water...idk some foods make me break out find out if any foods do that to you to.

  2. drink lots of really does help:]

  3. always keep surface clean

  4. wash your face when you get up and during a shower

    dont put your hands on your face

    the toothpaste trick

    i dunno, i use toner

  5. use clearasil facial wipes they are primo.

  6. drink a lot of water and wash your face at least 3 times a day with soap and hot water

  7. toothpaste, regular colgate or any regular kind. leave it on overnight and it dries them up

  8. keep your face clean..and wash it alot dry it with a clean towel

  9. you dont need to put anything on it. but doc can help you. i have been taking dianette for past 4 months applying nothing on my face. but the pimples are just gone. the pill regulates your hormoal imbalance which is the cause of pimple. also avoid whole milk.  

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