
How can i get rid of my pond?

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I've got a huge standing pond in my garden which i'd like to be rid of.

Although i can see how to knock it down, what do i do with the huge hole it leaves in the ground?

Any suggestions how to easily remove it?




  1. First pump all the water out of it. Is this a natural pond,or one that you have to fill yourself? You will want to start out by filling the major part of the hole with clay.Leave the rocks in if you do not wish to use them for other gardens. Then you can add fill dirt,then your topsoil. However,if you have a spring in the pond,it will still eventually seep up.

  2. try draining it with a pump it might take a while  maybe  try your local fire station they have really big pumps not just the ones on the engines

  3. sell the property with the pond on it

  4. How big an area are you talking about? Almost 10 feet  X 6 and a half feet X almost 5 feet in depth?  I don't think that you are going to want to fill that large a hole with plain ol' top soil from a neighboring nursery. It's going to be too soft and continue to sink for a long time (especially after it rains or you walk on the area).  It will never be as firm as the original,  adjacent ground by just using thin "top" soil. You need heavy dirt.

    Therefore, I think I'd contract with someone who can bring in a small tractor with a tiller that can level the ground for you. You'll still have to have yards and yards of top soil delivered to mix in well with the firmer ground dirt--hopefully, it's clay so that the new ground can be compacted.

    A cheaper alternative would be to leave the hole and make a sunken garden with maybe a large birdbath in the center as a focal point.  I don't know, however, if you'd encounter a water drainage problem when it rains.  But they are uniquely attractive. You could maybe put wide stepping-stones leading down into the garden.  I've only seen them in magazines.

  5. Any thing that you don't want throw in the hole. Drain it out and if you are going it demolish it just cut the liner if it has one and pull and drop it into the bottom of the pond. Then any rocks from the edge you have that you have no use for just demolish it and throw it in. Order out a load of dirt and fill it in. If it is where you can just have the truck back up to it and dump it in. If it is where the truck can't get to it just have him dump it where you can haul it in yourself. If you have room you could rent a bob cat loader but if it is behind a fence a motorised wheel barrel will be a big help. They have a 1/3 yard capasity and you can move a lot of dirt quick.

  6. fill it in.

  7. I don't know what kind it is, is  it a preformed or liner type?

    in any case remove the water remove the holding liner or tub.  If you don't have a pumps to empty it.  Fill a garden hose with water, don't let any leak out (it's for using as a primer) stick one end into the pond the other at the lowest end of the yard then (making sure to keep the water in the hose until you lay it down) and let hose prime and begin to empty the pond.  It won't remove all of the water but if you have a shop vac you can finish it..  if it's a big hole order a dump truck full of dirt and if the truck can get into the yard he can get most of it into the hole.  Otherwise it's sweat equity time with the wheel barrow and a spade.  All you have to then is level it out.  Got a riding mower?  if so use that to level. it will become compacted over time.

    I'm glad it you not me.   I would keep the pond to go with the one I have now.

    PS Edited...You don't need all top soil just good clean fill and many construction sites are more than happy to sell it cheap.

    I bought 20 dump trucks full for $20 a load.  Also use any soil or rock around to fill and Don't put the liner in the hole.  It will take a millennium to decompose

  8. Nuclear bomb, this will level of the surounding area as well

    No in all seriousness, I had to do this a while ago, you should drain it out using pipes or a length of hose pipe, into a drain, and then if it has a base take it to the skip, if not then just fill it in from soil (from other area of the garden? and plant grass seed or whatever you want the space for on top.  

    If you cant get enough soil from the rest of your garden, which I doubt you will, go to a local farm or garden center and ask there, they should have a vehicle or tractor or something to deliver lots as well and should do it at a reasonable price!

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