
How can i get rid of my zits.?

by  |  earlier

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im 13 and ive got pimples, not horrible tho.

i used this cream thingy i think proactive but it dont work. the toothpaste thing works about 1/15 times.... anything else?




  1. Eat healthy, wash your face, and stop worrying about it.

    I was stressing over my acne so much that i didn't see improvements at all, and once i stopped stressing and eating more fruits they began to disappear, i still have acne scars but its better to have scars then have acne.

  2. My first advise woud be to see a dermatologist.  If that's not possible, then  make sure you wash your face three times a day with warm water and either Dove soap or Tea Tree Oil soap (available at vitamin and nurtition and health stores).  Follow with a cool rise to close the poors, pat the skin dry and keep your hands away from your face.

    Good luck.

  3. do you have it out of no where or is the pimples from mom or dad or grandparents???

    ask them cause this is important.


    no question bout it.

    you first need birthcontrol.

    the ipledge people dont want you to get preggy while your on acutane

    cause your baby will be deformed.

    even if your not sexually still HAVE TO TAKE IT.

    i was 12 when i took acutane....12!!

    thats how i started my period.

    so no suprises there!:D

    then you get a blood test at the blood center to see if your blood is safe.

    and also to see if theres any hormonal stuff in it like (pregnant)

    then i think you have to take another blood test.

    then you go back to the blood center and take 2 pregnancy test.

    first one any day.

    then the second one a week away from the first one i think.

    then you can prob take acutane.

    but you also have to get a blood test once a month while your on it.

    you might also need crazy pills to hold down you hormonal somthing.

    cause people on acutane have killed themself

    cause it stresses you out so bad.

    o and another way to get the info is you need to go to your dermatoligist and ask for a ipledge book.

    but before that you have to ask if acutane is okay for you.

    or if its right.

    but before you do any of that nonsense you have to ask for the ipledge book.

    (again its at the dermatoligist)

    you dont have to get an appotinment. its in the office


  4. I am close to your age.

    My dermatologist gave me a book she got off the internet. She told me to do as the book said.

    So me and my girlfriends did it together and started school 8 days later w/great looking skin.

    Give it a look;


  5. What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into pimples. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly pimples.

    Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:

    Good luck :)


  7. Geez it's really amazing what kind of c**p people type up.

    First off, the "Acne Scams Revealed" thing is BS. It in itself is a scam. Keep your money. Secondly, the reply detailing Isotretinoin (Accutane, Sotret, Amnesteem, Etc) has some good points, but she is no pro and has some items that are not correct.

    If you have a few pimples, your dermatologist will likely prescribe a topical antibitotic and retinoid therapy regiment. Bascially this means putting cream on your face twice away until the ill-effects of puberty subside. Tetrcycline with Retin-A is probably what you'll get.

    If it is SEVERE, they will prescribe Isotretinoin. It works by slowing down the sebum producing glands in your skin to levels before you hit puberty. Millions of people worldwide have taken this drug and 85% of patients who take it no longer have acne. Of those people, 90% of them never get it again.

    The biggest side effect is dry skin, but that goes away after you're off the drug. Therapy usualy consists of 2 pills daily for 5 months.

    The first blood test is just a baseline check... Make sure you're healthy and don't have any imbalances in general. FEMALES get blood tests every month to make sure they don't get pregnant. This drug can cause birth defects, but ONLY in PREGNANT FEMALES WHO TAKE THE DRUG WHILE PREGNANT. That's it. It's perfectly safe.

    Anyhow, talk to your dermatologist about getting it and save the toothpaste for your teeth. Email me if you have any other questions. Good luck!

  8. Neutrogena Acne scrub (available at walmart) works amazingly!

    I use it every night and never break out.

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