
How can i get rid of pimples immediately without leaving marks on my face?

by Guest32704  |  earlier

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How can i get rid of pimples immediately without leaving marks on my face?




  1. I have never found a solution that would get rid of them right away. But what worked really well when I was a teenager (and im probably going to get torn to a cinder for this) is I would pop them ALL THE WAY its amazing how many people dont pop a pimple all the way when you pop a pimple first theres the head and then puss keep squeezing until blood appears (sometimes there can be a layer of a clear bloody liquid and then more puss) you have to get all of the puss and bacteria out then and this is the most important step you have to use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol to kill all the bacteria that was in your pimple so it does not make more pimples on your face (thats why most people say don't pop them) if you don't believe me look up this site it goes into how and when you should or should not pop a pimple. its a gross procedure but all my brothers and sisters had acne scars and I never did

  2. same as i have told before

    Use this mask twice a week

    Half Banana,

    One lime

    6 ts of Baisan (its indian language i dont know what is it in english)

    5 Drops Red Rose

    One Egg Without Youlk

    some drops baby oil

    Half cup milk

    Mix them make thick paste keep for 15 minutes then apply to your mouth stay with this mask for 20 minutes. then wash your mouth. You are done.

    dont use it upon feeling your skin iching after using twice

  3. you should wash your face at least twice a day. usually when you wake up, maybe in the afternoon or after you sweat a lot, and before you go to bed.

    maybe try proactiv refining mask, it dries out your pimples really quickly. and buy a facial scrub

  4. you cant, you could try going out in the sun , and get some sun on your face. That is it,

  5. well i dont know if it works but there is this product that cost just 10 $ called rapid clear gel by neutrogena. if fights breakouts and reduses swelling and reddness in under 8 hours and helps to fade scars.  

  6. apply proactive or benzoyl peroxide 2.5 or cream that contains or salicylic acid its very effective for acne and pimples…

    drink 8-10 glasses of water

    Crush mint leaves to extract the juices. Apply the juice to your face every night. This acne home remedy also the tooth paste works too. To remove the redness apply the eye drops which reduces the redness I think its called Visine it instantly removes the redness.

    apply ice to your face regularly it closes the pores so that would definitely reduce the acne breakout

    check this site to find out how to get rid of pimples and its mark , it has good home remedies hope this helps

  7. Dip a cotton ball in egg whites and apply on clean face, wait a few hours and wash. More such solutions at  

  8. Zeno

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