
How can i get rid of stage fright?

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I'm in my schools symphonic band. I'm a french horn player and i have always been first chair but when i have solos my sound gets all shaky. PLEASE HELP?




  1. 1. CONFIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Practice your solo over and over and over and over with NO mistakes AT ALL!!!  do this 20-30 times a day for a week before the concert.  That's 140-210 FLAWLESS how can you s***w up on the concert?  Just knowing that you can do it right goes a long way.

    2. Take multiple deep breathes before you start.  It calms you down and gets plenty of air to support your sound.  If it means skipping some measures to breathe do it and tell 2nd chair to play them while you breathe.  

    3.  Don't think about not missing notes or not messing up.  THIS WILL MAKE YOU MESS UP.  Think about "doing it right", NOT "not doing it wrong"  Its like driving a car.  If you try to drive away from the curb the first thing you start doing is steering towards the curb.  Hear the notes in your head and try to feel them in your embouchure before you play the note.

    4.  Eat 2-3 bananas a couple of hours before the concert.  They have chemicals that act to naturally reduce the physical effects of nervousness.  They won't make you less nervous but you won't be as shaky.

    5. SEE #1  CONFIDENCE does more than the others combined.

  2. first invite alot of people you know over and do a performance for them and be calm

  3. Pretend everyone around you is naked.

    Pretend there is NO ONE around you.

    Pretend it will be your last musical performance EVER, you MUST play well.

    OR get all your friends and/or family together and play for them.

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