
How can i get rid of stubborn warts?

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I've have 2 warts on my arm for a while now. i've tried little things to get rid of them on and off. i can't for a couple reasons go to the doctor to just get them removed. i've tried the little patch things from walgreens but my skin is so senistive it gives me a rash. the only other option i know of is the freeze away but one person told me they did it wrong and burned themselves and the other told me it just didn't work, so i'd rather not waste my money to find out. does anyone have any suggestions of what i can do?




  1. My husband and I have both used the over the counter freeze off things.  BUT- if you follow the directions your wart will never go away!  We use the Wartner brand one (I think my husband used a different one but im not sure which.   Anyways, I get the freezing stuff in the applicator like it says but i hold it on my wart until it's not cold anymore at all (it says not to leave it on for more than like 20 or 30 sec)  Also it says not to do it more than once every 2 weeks but i did it once a week.  And after 2 times it was gone.  A week after my second time i did it one more time just incase it was thinking about coming back.  I think they put their rules on there to make you buy 8 boxes of the stuff before its gone for good.

  2. Wart and Mole Vanish  look it up on the internet. It does work well for moles. So my guess it would work for warts as well. Its worth the money. I am not affiliated with the company or product just a user.

  3. well i cant help you since i have a stubborn wart right now too.  but i can tell you that the freezing thing did not help me either.  also this liquid thing i bought didnt work either.  i went to the doctor and it still wasnt removed.  im going to a skin doctor to get it removed soon.  sorry i couldnt help but i have the same problem.  but at least now you know what wont work

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