
How can i get rid of this pain?

by  |  earlier

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hi I'm 15 weeks pregnant and i went to the dentist the other day and had to have a tooth out because it was infected ever since then my gum and the hole where the tooth used to be is really sore and turning white. i went back to the dentist yesterday and they said it was infected they cleaned it out and put some brown stuff in the hole not sure what its called and gave me some antibiotics but the pain will not go away its there all day its stopping me sleep ive tried salt water that doesn't seem to help ive even got a mouthwash that's meant to help but that isn't either ive taken paracetamol but even they don't take the pain away i carnt take anything stronger with me being pregnant ive even tried bonjela but nothing seems to work is there anything else i can try its driving me mad please help




  1. Put an ice pack on that side of your face.

  2. being as you are pregnant it is difficult but try trying 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen they are the same strength and you are allowed to take them both so 4 in total at the same time this will help with the pain

    ps you can take these while you are pregnant  

  3. You might want to ask a doctor first, but when I got my wisdom teeth out, they told me to put clove oil on a cotton ball and let that soak in if I had any pain. It numbs the area. I would think that as long as you don't swallow anything, it won't affect your pregnancy. The real concern is if that's ok to put on an infection.  

  4. Call your OB and talk to him/her. I was a sufferer of hormone headaches when I was pregnant with my second child. After several weeks of trying to treat with tylenol and the like, he prescribed me a few Vicodin. He told me that the molecular breakdown in that particular rx would not break down through the umbilical cord like other narcotics and that the baby would be safe while using it. As long, of course, you didn't abuse it. He would give me 10 at a time to get me over the hump and when the hormone production would increase, he'd write me 10 more a couple months later. I would definitely talk to OB and see what's safe. He/She will have better idea of what is acceptable in this situation. I did this and my pregnancy was not affected and neither was the child's development.

    Alternate heat/cold packs for now and until you get in touch with doctor. 20 minutes for heat and then use 20 minutes cold packs.  

  5. Use the antibiotics longer,

    if its still hurting after 3 weeks of using it,

    go back and see your dentist..

  6. Sounds like you have a dry socket.  It need to be treated by the doctor that extracted the tooth.  Dry sockets need to be treated daily with a sedative medication until it heals.  

  7. What they put in was called dry socket paste. It is a horrible smelling brown paste. But it should help the pain and ease the discomfort caused by the infection. Stay away from the salt water because the dentist used a tool called a curette to clean it out and had to extract infected tissue and therefore the salt will burn the area. If the wound is healed over now then you could try a strong cough drop. It has the same numbing agent as the numbing jelly a dentist uses. Or try ibuprofen. That will not affect your pregnancy and will help the swelling because it is an anti-inflammatory. Give the antibiotics time to work. But the soreness you feel is from the way the dentist had to clean out the area. I am an RDA in a dental office and I have to do this all the time. The amount of infection and blood and necrotic(dead) tissue that has to be taken out is unbelievable. And we have to go all the way to the bone where the infection was in order to get it all out. So all that digging is what has hurt you. So give it time it will get better. But I would give the ibuprofen a shot. That really should help. Good luck.

  8. go to the doctor.

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