
How can i get rock to do tricks?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried raisin treats to teach her drinks. but nothing seems to work. Her sister does so i don't get why she wont.. her sister rolls over, sits up and stays in my sweater hoods when we go out.

She just seems more stuborn then her sister.

Any advice on how you got yours to do tricks?




  1. first you stare at it really hard for 20 minutes and the after you yell at it and then you grab it and throw it thru your

  2. a rock? umm are u sure u should b getting pregnant?

    well u failed to mention that which resulted in my immediate response.

    My aunt trained her's with lots of "petting".. I have to call her tomorrow so I can find out exactly what she did..but I know she used lots of "physical" contact as she had no luck w/treating.

  3. If they don't listen, threaten them with a hammer above their heads.

    EDIT: Sorry, thought she actually was a rock!:)

  4. LOL!

    I was gonna say, break out some wacky tobaccy and watch the pretty rocks dance!

    Raisins might not "do it" for Rocks.

    Find something she really likes.  Try freeze dried liver, boiled chicken, boiled eggs, meat baby food on a spoon.

    Find something that makes her perk up.

    Consider that she isn't "that sort of girl".  Some animals have a difinite idea about whats fun and "acceptable".  For some animals, tricks aren't fun or tollerable.

    Give her some space.  Bribe her with food.

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