
How can i get seen hair?

by Guest34050  |  earlier

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how can i get seen hair




  1. Well do some streaks and a long peice in front

  2. You mean "scene".

    Well, if you don't have lots of layers already, then I wouldn't recommend getting scene hair straight away. Otherwise, you will look like a poseur.

    You should start by getting thin layers, then more defined layers, then choppy layers, etc. Once the layers are about the size of your middle finger, start by teasing the top layers first, and then spray with hairspray. Tease the next set of layers (the layers below the top layers), and spray. Keep doing so, until you get the last layers. DO NOT tease the last layers, but keep them nice and smooth. It's good if you use a straightening iron prior to teasing.

    You can either keep with your normal hair colour, or dye it black (the basic colour for scene hair), or bleach it white-blonde. Once you get more comfortable with scene hair, you can start dying it different colours, or add coloured extensions. Just make sure you don't look like another scene girl, or another scene queen, or you will be accused of copying another person's look.

    To finish off the look, add a hairbow or two, or use a headband to define those top layers.

    Good luck =]  

  3. you have to know how to spell it first.  SCENE

  4. SCENE dumb ***!!!! you done deserve amsome hAIR

  5. hahaa  

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