
How can i get settlement visa for my mum?

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how can i get settlement visa for my mum

i have recidence permit visa until 11/2008,i have 10 months old baby and i am working my mum look after my baby in the uk.but she will go to my country october.i want my mum stay with us bec she has nobody without me in my country.i want to apply for her visa.she has visiter visa now.she have been 2 time in the uk for 6 months.somebody says she must apply in your country.what is best or what can i do for bring my mum here for live with us.she is 53 years old.




  1. Your Mother will have great difficulty in getting a settlement Visa.Soon she will be elegible for state pension and some nice little perks.Can only assume she lives in Eastern Europe and that route will be closed soon .Visas must be applied for in the country of residence.She may however apply for a 10 yr visitors Visa which has restrictions in it.She could not work and would not have recourse to Public Funds.personaaly I would close all our borders tomorrow we just dont have the resources in the Uk for anymore people.

  2. your mother will have to apply for immigration/settlement in the UK from her home country ;

    for her application to be successful ,

    she must prove :

    that she will be able to support herself  of no financial  burden to the UK

    which country is your mother from ? would you care to say ? so i can look up the rules ,

    if you care to come back and precise ?

    i will check back here .

  3. I have gone through what you have mentioned and by the looks of it I think it will be difficult for your mum to apply for settlement in the UK.

    settlement can be obtained  mainly on 3 following basis.


    Indefinite leave to remain in one of the following categories:

    -Work permit holder

    -Highly skilled migrant

    -Representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation

    -Private servant in a diplomatic household

    -Domestic worker in a private household

    -Overseas government employee

    -Minister of religion, missionary or member of a religious order

    -Member of the operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline

    -Person with United Kingdom ancestry

    -Writer, composer or artist

    -Long residence in the UK

    -Foreign or Commonwealth citizen discharged from HM Forces

    -Other purposes/reasons not covered by other application forms


    indefintite leave to remain as a victim of domestic violence


    A child under 18 of a parent, parents or relative present and settled in the UK

    The adopted child under 18 of a parents or parents present and settled in the UK

    The parent, grandparent or other dependent relative of a person present and settled in the UK

    The only way she can apply for a settlement visa is that you have a settlement visa in UK ( A visa which is not time bound) , but as you have mentioned that your residency permit is valid only for next 10 month. I think at max she can get a dependant visa on your basis for 10 months.

    Sorry if I have dissappointed you. If you need more information please do visit

    Good Luck

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