
How can i get signed up for an amateur mma fight?

by  |  earlier

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the only fights ive been in our street fights witch i think our stupid and i want to fight for sport. i want somthing more difficult than some stupid wannabe off the street.




  1. first of all before you walk in to MMA stay out of that street BS it just brings bad rep to the sport. also i respect that you want to step out of the that trash street c**p. thing about amatuer is...its still mostly the same type of duded you fight in the street...i recommend you train for along time and test your self constantly in amatuer...once go cant afford to begin with a losing streak.

  2. If MMA is regulated in your state, most likely the promoter of said shows are also registered in your state. Check with your state's athletic commission.

    Otherwise, just find an MMA show that is in  your area and ask to speak with the promoter. They can provide you details.

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