
How can i get some easy easy cash. what is something really simple i can do?

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How can i get some easy easy cash. what is something really simple i can do?




  1. go around your neighborhood and do some yard work.

  2. well its summertime have a yard sale or cut someone grass. e-bay is also nice to make some cash . donate blood or check to see if  there is a consignment store in your area

  3. Make money online lol.

    That's what I do.

    I made a website of all the good sites I use and stuff.

  4. Here is some information that will give you the opportunity to access your financial situation and also empower you to learn to be financially independent.

  5. you could always try one of the survey websites that pay you.  Some of them take a while to add up though...

  6. Make a blog and put Adsense on it... Here is an example below. Check it out. Click some sponsored LINKS so you can see how it works. I will also be posting the STEPS needed to make money easy online very soon! STAYED TUNED....

  7. baby sitting!!!!!

    please answer that;...

    say anything

    i want to give you ten points!!!!!

  8. You did not say what you are currently doing, and how old you are.

    Anyway here are some guidelines when looking for a business.

    I have also included my website so you can check out the company I represent.



    How long has company been in business?

    It has been proven that only one company in a thousand makes it past five years. Be very careful of all so called “ground floor” and product mimic opportunities. The higher the hype, the more talented the recruiters and motivators (regardless of the product), the faster they grow – and fail. Fast growth will generally create debt. As a result, frequently top people make money and others are left holding the bag of disappointment and, sometimes also owning a big inventory and a long list of hurt and lost friends.

    Is the company debt-free?

    Get proof. Find out about D&B rating. Explore how company is financed or if plans are to go public. Or being built to be sold. You don’t want to be a part of a situation that is not stable or likely to last.

    Is management dedicated to service or profit?

    You don’t want management to be people who make money by hype (or get-rich-quick schemes) or who are venture capitalists building a business to sell for a profit. You want dedicated people with strong business experience, a good, guiding mission, long term plans in position, proof of highly satisfied customers and dedication to a program that will help you build a stable, residual income.

    Are products “necessary consumables”, or emotional or health fads? Or just “copy cats?”

    You want a wide range of products that people consume and order frequently. You want to get paid for repeat business resulting from a one-time contact. Be careful of “hot” items created to benefit from current market or health publicity or talk about ‘future” products and services which will later be added to the product(s) now available. Or products developed by “Drs.” who are not medically trained.

    Do the products appeal to a mass market?

    Do the key products have a limited or unlimited market in terms of size or timing? Are they familiar and easy to talk about and compare? Are they exclusive? How many carry patents or have guarantee?

    What is the pricing policy?

    Which concerns the company most – profit or consumer value? How do you know this? Be sure to check this out. Are costs reduced when R & D are paid for? What does the company do for their customers?  What is competition doing?

    What is the reorder ratio? This is very important!

    Do people who use the products or services order on their own, or is more contact and service required? How much? Do you have to buy literature to help motivate sales or do training?

    What does company ask of you to qualify for commission/ bonus /reward checks?

    Are the order qualifications more than you or your family would normally use? Can the person above you make extra $$$$ if you order in larger than usual quantities? Also carefully evaluate the Compensation Plan and what happens down the road as you grow -- or if you bring in someone even stronger and more successful than you. And can you check your end of the month status which encourages harmful front end loading and garages full of products that may never be sold?

    What is the entry or initial investment fee? Can you get it back?

    Too frequently, companies make money on kits, manuals, samples, etc. Are they paying for recruits with original fee so new people make big bucks early? It may be illegal.


    What is the attrition?

    Do people who come into the business stay? That’s a good sign. There are companies with attrition as high as 200%  (people come in for six months and leave) Most attrition is about 85-95%.. There is one company having single digit attrition  with a 95% monthly re-order rate  Look for high retention.. It gives you a better return on time and will protect your residual income.

    How about the timing?

    Does whatever the company offers tie into current needs without being a  fad? Does it have to do with health, wellness, environment or education? Is whatever it is likely to continue to be as important a need for your lifetime? Can your business be a legacy?

    Are there any breakaways?

    Do they prospect customers to open accounts or recruit people to sell? If the latter, as recruits reach or pass your level of management, do you continue to make the same % on the sales of both them and their recruits? Watch out for small print, diminishing returns and automatic breakaways that may be called by another name. And be aware that allowing front end loading is a big negative.

    Are you being shown pay-checks and being made promises about earnings?

    Good companies don’t do this. There is absolutely no way to assure earnings in commission or bonus programs. Does the company publish actual income statistics?

    What is the risk?

    How much are you asked to invest? Are there any money-back guarantees if you change your mind? If you bring friends into a new company, if it does not last or be what it appeared to be initially, how will it affect your personal relationships?                                                                                                                      

    And the most important questions are the ones you need to ask yourself:

    What is your “why”? What are you looking for? Why do you want it? Remember money is not the answer. Think about what the money will, buy, give you or pay for. Or how you can help others.

    How proud will you be to tell people what you are doing? Will you be helping people in some long term constructive way? What do you know about the top management people and their credentials and motivation for this kind of business? Is the CEO known  for integrity?

    What are working conditions? How much work can you do at home? Is this important to you?

    How much time are you willing to invest and how does that compare to the income you could realistically make?

    If you chose to give up some time-consuming activities in order to work more hours is there any reward for growing faster then average?

    Will you be supported by someone in company who will match your energy and be seriously concerned with helping you meet YOUR goals and help you grow?”

    Who will help you if that person is not available?

    What is the training program? Is what is taught easy to duplicate?

  9. donate sperm

  10. well  you can do a car wash , recycle bottles

    or join this site

    cash (there isn't actually a space in between cash and crate. i just put that so u can see the website)

    this site is totally legit i make about 55-75 bucks every 3 weeks i thought it was a scam at the beggining but turns out it was real

    they send you a check in the mail every month and you dont need a paypal account

    I reccomend you get a new email account or new junk email or fake email address before you complete the offers at this site

    you can use your real email to sign up but when you complete the offers use your fake one ok?

    good luck

    check out my blog for extra info

    i also make extra cash for GAS money thanks to my blog

    you can make money with a blog too but it takes time and patience

  11. Sell CDs, DVDs or games (or game systems)

  12. sell drugs to stupid people. sell your body. sell some stuff. you know. gamble.

  13. be a hooker :D

    nah jk...

    ermm,  sell stuff on ebay!;...

    ^^answer it please^^ :D

  14. mow the lawn or just do some kind yard work! idk.

  15. Get a job

  16. Get a job.

  17. By you asking this question and Jeff answering it over and over till you drive everyone mad.

  18. become a hooker and work the corner.

  19. Pick up bottles on the streets 24/7 lol. Pimp, Prostitution and Criminal Career. lol

  20. Take a bucket of water and a squeegie ( a window washing thing) down to a busy intersection and wash windows when the cars are waiting for a red light. You'll get a buck or so per red light, that's a dollar every two minutes or 30 dollars an hour. Maybe if you're good and really hustle you can double that.

  21. mow peoples lawn. babysit. ya no. easy jobs a almost ANY 13 year old could get

  22. sell stuff on ebay

  23. If there were asomething easy, everybody would be doing it. Mow some lawns.

  24. Have you ever heard of the oldest profession?

  25. mow lawns! if you don't have a lawn mower use theirs just go doer to doer say ill mow your front law for $10 front & back for $20 and front & back with edjing (i don't have any idea how to spell that) if you have your owen lawn mower/ weed waker just add $10 to every price!

  26. Look in places around your house and around your neighborhood where people leave "loose change". You'd be surprised what you might find behind sofa pillows, in your home washing machine and dryer area. I'm not saying STEAL from anyone, but people do not look or bend down or put away small amounts of coins randomly in desk drawers, workshop benches, or even in the street by the curbs or hey...even around and under vending machines.

    Sounds humiliating? Wait until the next economic depression hits....we'll all be fighting for those pennies.!!!!!!

    Or you can just borrow some money from a close friend or a person that likes you... such as your neighbors if they think you are cool.

  27. sell s*x

    ha : )

  28. babysit! it's pretty easy.


    just kidding :)

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