
How can i get sponsored for downhill skiing?

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I am a ski racer and would like to get sponsored. What are some ways for me to get noticed and find sponsors?




  1. make a video of you also write a letter explaining about yourself  and take it to some of the companies that sponsor your races and a hopefully they like what they see and will sponsor you!!!!!!

    also provide some action pics

  2. The best way to be sponsored is to Win,Win,Win, be a consistent top 5 finisher in every race you enter,  then enter every race you can. Within a year you should be on one of the regional teams with good prospects for a National Team place. At that time, you should be well sponsored, unless you can find an "Angel" to watch over you.


    ski really, really, really, fast.

  4. I don't know how old you are, but going through USSA  racing will get you to JO's then advance from there. how do you want to be sponsored? just to get free stuff or are you talking US Ski team one day or strictly local stuff? video is better than still shots if you really want to show yourself off. it isn't easy or we'd all be doin' it!

  5. If you are still in the K2 level your chance of getting sponsored is pretty limited but keep developing and ski hard

    If you've already made the progression to J1 FIS+15 discuss with your coach about approaching your hill's management. they can help you by putting a link on their website. Start by approaching local businesses and your ski company rep. Just make sure you let your coach know which businesses you plan on approaching so you don't cause any sponsorship conflicts

    I changed ski hills when I was a kid because my "home hill" wouldn't offer any breaks and after calling on some other hills with good racing programs I was able to be sponsored by a private club with a tremendous racing program so that covered my ski training and also my fun skiing. After a successful year our whole team got a deal from FMH(fischer/marker humanities) which covered our equipment costs and gave us access to their technical expertise especially waxing solutions. My coach somehow convinced a candy company(1 of their executives skied at our club) to come onboard and they covered travel costs

    Hope you don't mind me using your question to plug one of support Kelly VanderBeek in her quest for gold

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