
How can i get stronger?

by  |  earlier

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i want to get stronger and buffer. how can i do that? seriose answers only please and thank you!




  1. Exercise and eat balance diet:)

  2. Push ups, curl ups, bench press, play a sport like football or handball, drink milk!

  3. For more BULK and STRENGTH you should work with weights that you can lift for ONLY 9 repetitions. You should perform these repetitions SLOWLY and in a CONTROLLED manner. Doing MORE repetitions QUICKLY is suited more for individuals who want TONE and FIRMNESS. Generally, guys prefer the the BULK and STRENGTH whereas women prefer TONE and FIRMNESS.

  4. Try going into the savage jungles and wrestling a full grow man gorillia that is the head of its tribe.You build Freaky Animalish stregnth,speed and crazzzy edurance.=)

  5. Lift low reps with high weights and consume more calories than you can burn off.

  6. Go to a gym and work out with a professional until you know the routine.  Then work out regularly.  

  7. Work out, but do it smart.  Don't try to jump weight too fast. I recommend getting a partner, that way you slow down and have time to recover.  If you are still in school, join the football team.  They always have amazing workouts and will get you strong and fit. (when have you ever seen a scronny varsity football player?)  the big thing is to be patient and most importantly, don't use any enhancers that are not doctor (or coach) approved for safety, NO HGH OR STEROIDS!  anyway, good luck.

  8. yea working out is really the only way. either by directly lifting weights or by doing some kind of sport.  

  9. Exercise!  A personal trainer can help you set reasonable goals for yourself and get you started on the right path.

    Eat well!  If you put garbage fuel in your car, it runs like a clunker.  Your body is the same way.  Quality foods will give you better energy with which to be active.

  10. Get your self to a gym,and get a personal trainer to draw you up a fitness plan they will base it on your needs so that it will be realistic and Archieveable.  But please dont go dowen the steriods route, that **** ***** with your mind.  

  11. thats a stupid question the obvious thing to do is exercise and lift weights

  12. Chick above you has less experience in this category.

    1st - diet. YOUR DIET is EVERYTHING. ANY PROFESSIONAL BODY BUILDER WILL TELL YOU THIS, INCLUDING MYSELF. I'm no professional, but my freshman year I weighed 92 pounds. Sad, yes? At the end of that year I weighed 136 pounds. Trust me, I know. You can work out all your life, but if you eat like a bird you'll be as skinny as a bird. Kapeesh?

    diet must consist of - 45-55% of your body weight in Grams of protein. If you weigh 100lbs you should get 45-60 g of protein every day. This doesn't mean just supplements. There are many kinds of proteins. Your body only produces i think 6 or so of the 20 proteins needed.

    Good diet - Eggs, oatmeal, lean meat (chicken, grilled not fried), brocolli, carrots, PEANUTS (good source of protein) and BEANS. Beans are rumoured to be the best source of fiber+ protein.

    2. Supplements - optional. a GOOD DIET is a must have.

    3. Workout -

    Make sure your workout isn't just one thing. NEVER ONLY DO ONE THING. Dont just curl, or pushups, or just work 1 area of the body. Mix it up, otherwise you'll look ugly as h**l and unproportional and wont gain weight as fast.

    Recommendations: ask your Physical education teacher or football coach. They wont mind to answer you on how you should base a simple workout.

    Simple workout -

    Pushups - 100 a day. Split them up, 20 in the morning, 40 in the evening, 40 at night. or split them up as you please.

    Sit ups - 50, 100, or 150 respectively.

    Split them up.

    Pull ups - Start low, do as many as you can. Do 3 sets of these a day, or every other day.


    Oh, and make sure to take at LEAST a 1 minute break between sets.

    Definitions :

    Reps - How many times you do a pullup, situp, or whatever.

    Sets - A set of reps. example - 3 sets of 6 reps (you did 6 pullups for 3 sets)

    Advanced workout -

    Weightlifting. if you want a weightlifting workout, e-mail me. I'll send you mine. Too lazy to type it now.  OR Ask your P.E. Teacher or Football Coach.

    Oh yeah, and eat other things too. not just proteins.

    Do not eat a lot of fattening foods like Mc Donalds, donuts, Crispy Cremes, or w/e fat kids eat.

    Got more questions? email me at

  13. Get off the computer and do excersize

  14. Alright yes I know I'm a girl telling you how to great stronger but listen. I recently had shoulder surgery and couldn't lift anything for a few months. After I got past that stage I started on a very strict workout schedule and got great results fast I am pretty ripped and toned now within a couple weeks of great workouts. You say you want to get stronger? Lift everyday. Do about 3 sets and 14 reps with your beginner weight probably around 15lbs. and work you way up. Every week try to increase your weight. The exercises I would recommend would be Biceps, Triceps, Shoulder Shrugs Shoulder Press, Low Rows, Bench Press and Squats. (Bench Press and Squats would be 5 sets of 5 reps. for the first week.) Good Luck.

  15. start weight lifting..if u havent worked out be4 u should start out with light weights.. then build ur way up..... if u want to get bigger u gotta lift

    heavy and less 4 to 6 reps.....also start eating a lot of protein and get whey protein to help u build ur muscles and don't do the same body part everyday..u can go on google and look up work out routines and if u dont know how to do a work out u can always look it up online

  16. work out!

    get a gym membership

  17. Work out

  18. Drink Muscle powder and lift weights

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