
How can i get taller by 3 inch's?

by Guest21221  |  earlier

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i know this sounds crazy but im 16 and 5'4.

i really want to be 5'6/5'7 in 2-3 years.

are there exercises i can do or things that i can eat.

my sis is 23 and im already outgrowing her.

its really important cause i want to get on americas next top model in a couple/few please help.




  1. There's no battling genetics, HOWEVER, you can get bigger by eating plenty of good food, and getting lots of exercise outdoors.

    Also, keep in mind that the TV show might not be around in a few years. If you're going to do anything health-wise, make sure you're doing it for *you*... Not a freaking teevee show.

  2. will you could hang up side down. the frist time you do it don't hang for to long cause you will get a headach, but the more you do it, you'll be able to hang for a longer period of time. good lucky on your modeling career.

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