
How can i get telekenisis?

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How can i get telekenisis?




  1. Ask or let imps move stuff for you in the name of mental effor or the use of the Craft.  Both have a dangerous result.

  2. You can't get it you are born with the gift

  3. Telekinetic powers, or psychokinesis, can't be acquired. They come with the territory. That is, you have to be born with them.  Most scientists feel that telekinesis is not real.

    However, we are born with certain senses above the usual five of sight, hearing, smell, taste and speech. Some scientists put the number of these additional senses at more than 15! You would be well advised to study these special senses and see if you can't exercise them and extend and expand your latent, present very-real abilities ,Example: Itr inow felt that we have several kinds of intelligence, in addition to the kind we call IQ.  As a start, why not investigate this area and raise your potential?

  4. I think that you cannot "get" it.  You can or you cannot and that's it.  Uri Geller can bend spoons and move things, and he's unusual enough that he's famous.

  5. durrrr!

  6. think about it really hard.... >D

  7. The ability of telekinesis is very natural occurrence and we all have the ability to perform telekinesis it's just a matter of learning the ability. It is primarily a Mind/Brain/Consciousness related phenomenon though certainly its roots are sub-atomic like all manifestations. Some research shows there is a lot of activity in the cortex of the brain in relationship to this. Most of what we term psychic phenomenon or mystical happenings happen in the "off" phases of consciousness.

    Consciousness is always in the on/off phasing, blinking off and on, as it were. Off/On phasing phenomenon is photon related manifestation of energy and light. The energy we are dealing with here is tiny pockets or "quanta" of energies. The ability to bend spoons, levitate is happening at the other levels being only manifested as a physical event upon the space/time shell frame which we interpret as our reality. There is also a good deal of illusion as well. One must be able to discern the reality of both. Sometimes there is a vast difference in what we THINK we see vs what IS actually happening.

  8. idk why do u want telekenisis

  9. Take sleeping pills and dream about it.

  10. buy a starter kit on ebay for 5000$ =P

  11. meditation

    I don't know why, but if you meditate to the other person they can usually pick up your connecting to them.

  12. I think you have to be born with it but maybe you can learn it.

  13. -_- you cant. your born with it or you go through a nasty process that i dont think you should know about. if anyone could actually do it that easily then everyone would have it.


  15. maybe on e-bay???



  16. You can't. But you can in your dreams. All you have to do is think of it while your sleeping :)

  17. roll around in some nuclear waste or hit yourself on the head with a hammer to put yourself in a coma and then come out of the coma.... duh, read a comic book some time

  18. -Lot's of practice, lots of patients, lots of understanding.

    - if you can get every body part to move on it's own, then you might have a higher percentage.

    Move your pinkie toe with out moving any of the other toes

    wiggle your ears, now move one of your ears, move your middle toe  without moving the other. Try that with all your toes. Doing that might help you with your consetration and will give you a little understanding on how the real thing would be like.

    -After doing that and you are able to move any body part you have in mind ( The ones above were some ideas) you can see how your concetration goes.( Harder level)

    DO this:

    A1, B2,C3,D4 all the way down to Z26

    Have one person yell out random numbers, have another person yell out random letters, have another person yell out randome words. You must stay at the same pace. Now you are ready for:

    The real practice.

    The easiest way to start is with something really light and small.

    Get away from anything distracting.

    Okay, pretend that small, light object is apart of you ( Like an arm or something) try to move it like it's a part of you ( Like moving your fingers)

    If you focus enough you , might feel dizzy, or light headed. If you don't get that, then you are not focusing enough.

    Do that everyday,  if you do focus to the point you get dizzy afterwards you try to make the session last minuets.

  19. you cant

  20. wow

  21. by wishing really hard

  22. ****


          ***************************************.... sent you some

  23. your nickname explains everything..

  24. I don't know fall into a vat of radioactive waste, die then come back to life, eat spam who knows ask Stan Lee!?!

  25. Have a telephone surgically put into your body

  26. Concentrate.

    It'll come to you.

  27. try this (;

  28. First u need invisible ninjas the batmobile and the joker have the joker drive into walmart confusing ppl and have him take 2 tubes of toothpaste and then have the ninjas get it out........and them go out walk a mile and there u have it

  29. can't. It doesn't actually exist.

  30. Stand in an X-ray for 10 hours and hoep you get radiation which is a 1-10000000 chance. Then have a 1-10000000000000000000000000000000000000... chance that you will become Superman 2

  31. You cannot get telekenisis, because theres no such thing. You can dream about having powers, but its not physically possible.

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