
How can i get tested for dyslexia am 29?

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How can i get tested for dyslexia am 29?




  1. try contacting the Dyslexia Institute.

  2. A regular doctor does not test for dyslexia-he will refer you to a specialist--which is an EDUCATIONAL PYSCHOLOGIST

  3. Call a regular doctor and tell him that you want to get tested - he'll probably make the arrangements:)

  4. Head over to your GP's office and ask for a referral to an educational psychologist. It will not be cheap for a good psycho-educational assessment. You must ask yourself if it is really worth the money. If you have found a learning style and strategy that works for you, it may not be worth the few hundred dollars it will cost. However if you are still struggling to learn, or you are going to be going back to school, or you just need the peace of mind knowing will bring you, then go for it.

    If you are still in university or have gone back, you can ask the disability centre (most uni's have one) to give you a free or reasonably priced screening test, and if they feel you are dyslexic, they can test you or refer you to someone who can. If you are, they can offer you accomodations, like extra time for tests and a computer for written work.

    Also, t is worth noting that aproxamitly 50% of people with dyslexia also have ADHD. If you think that might be you, talk to you GP about that as well.

    Good luck,

    Your dyslexic friend.

    Just as a side note, some things that help me are:

    -Using a ruler or highlighter when reading to keep my place while reading

    -Using an electronic spell checker when I must hand write things

    -Using a computer with spell check for writing whenever possible

    -After typing up writing, using a program to read it back to you to catch mistakes spell check did not (readplease has a free one, just Google it)

    -Setting spelling words to rhythms

    -At the library, you can get books on tape. Use them

    -If arithmetic is hard, calculators are good friends

    -If possible, when things must be read, do it in the bathtub. There are few distractions there, and it is very relaxing

    -When you have to learn something new and you are struggling, try making flash cards and testing yourself on it using them (you learn a lot just making the cards)

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