
How can i get the best sound out of my trumpet?

by  |  earlier

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I sound kinda week and airy lol if that's a word




  1. always open the back of your throat.  dont keep it closed off.  You will have to practice that before you get it right

    when i played flute that is what my tutorer told me to do to get a better sound.  


  2. Tighten your lips more when you blow. Also practice is the main factor when you get a week sound. And additionally try Tonguing. This page may help if you want to improve and learn tonguing: . I know, the page is really long, and it shouldn't be cause tonguing only took me 2 minutes to learn and perfect, but the page will help.  

  3. Practice breathing exercises.

  4. Without being in the room with you while you play is going to make it hard to diagnose the problem with your playing however some common fixes can be recommended. The problem your describing (weak airy tone) is normally caused by air escaping trough the sides of your embouchure. The normal fix for this problem is to practice tightening the corners of your lips were most of your air wants to escape from when playing. Try to always keep the corners of your mouth tight before putting the mouthpiece to your lips to buzz. This should help fix the problem. If that doesn’t help much, try this breathing exercise. Get an empty paper towel roll and breath in and out of it. You’ll notice that the back of your throat will feel very cool when you do this. Remember that feeling and make a note that every time you breath in to breath in deep enough to imitate that cool feeling every time you breath in, to ensure plenty of air is getting to your lungs. Playing trumpet revolves around getting enough air into the horn; small amounts of air equal a bad sound. If these fixes don’t help, get your horn checked out by a brass repairman to make sure there is no gaps or holes in the wrong places on your horn. And if all else fails, find a good brass player to watch you while you play and get his or her opinion on what you should do next.

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