
How can i get the mood of studying?

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  1. well for studying think n focus onn ur aim n priority at that moment n certainly mood  willl follow.

  2. unplug the internet! I sometimes find it really hard to concentrate. Break up your studying into little blocks of tasks to get done, and them tick them off, as you get through it, at least should give you some sense of advancement. Good luck!

  3. well, first, go to a room without the computer/t.v. or anything, if a computer is on, then unplug internet, or disconnect it. and remember, its your brain, its a mental thing. so only u can make the decision to. but then break it up, take a break and at the end, reward yourself. some examples are watchin t.v., then using the computer to watch movies and etc.

  4. This is actually quite a hard question to answer as different people find motivation in different ways! I'm a University student and I find it hard sometimes but I actually enjoy what I'm studying which helps, but I think some of the things that others have said like unplug the Internet etc (if you do not need it for study purposes) can be quite helpful, for example I have a PC and shortly I will have a laptop, I've decided that the laptop will be for the sole use of studying so I wont install games etc to tempt me and keep my PC for things like Email, Msn etc. Don't force yourself into studying, build up to it gradually and think about the things you will and can achieve once completed your studies! Good Luck :)

  5. as for me, if i don't feel like studying, i don't study at all. i just take a nap after that, that's when i start studying.

    another way in which i get the mood of studying, i just think of the possible outcomes if i am not going to study.

  6. Stoplooking at yahoo Answers for a start! Then consider how clever you will feel when you fail your course through your own actions!

  7. gosh... yah there's just no motivation around!

    well if there someone who always gets higher grades than you? if there is, then study so you can do wayyy better than them! haha that's what i do!

    or maybe you could search on google any good sites that can help you study.. like .. if you are doing the british curriculum..

    at the same time you can do what you like..

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