
How can i get the smell of cat pee out?

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well my cat just peed on my couch,and it smells HORRID!i dont know what to do,i cant get the smell out!

do you know anything i can do that will actually Work?

im not sure if it was my male cat or female.




  1. Try Simple Green. You buy it in the store. It gets rid of almost all smells and takes out the stain as well. Call your local vet to ask more

    You need to get that smell out or your cat will continue to pee there.

  2. There are two problems.  First, if you treat it with the wrong stuff, it will do more harm than good.  It makes the smell more difficult to remove.  Second, the liquid seeps down below the carpet, so a surface cleaning won't eliminate the smell.  The only thing I've ever tried that's worked...and worked extremely something called Zero Odor.  It has enzymes or something of the sort that actually breaks down or eats or does something to destroy the odor causing chemicals (I assume the primary culprit is ammonia).  Bottom line is, I used it on old pee smells in carpet in a closet in an apartment I was renting as a last ditch effort to avoid having to pay for professional cleaning while still getting back my security deposit.  It totally killed the smell.  You wouldn't have known there was a smell.  And the best part is, it doesn't add it's own smell.  You know how like when you spray pine freshener in the bathroom it simply smells like someone took a dump under a pine tree?  Well, this stuff has no smell.  Try it.  Try borrowing it from a friend first if you don't believe me.

  3. in the litter box you should put the odor away stuff and then you could use that febreeze or whatever the fabric cleaner stuff is to take away the smell!

  4. I SWEAR by Nature's Miracle. You can buy it in a jug at most pet stores. Saturate the area with it and it does eliminate the smell. Good luck! Cat pee is the worst. :)

  5. GOOD LUCK. Cat pee is the worst. I remember when I was little a cat of ours peed on the floor of a  stone fireplace we had in our basement and my dad had to seal the floor because the smell would not come out. I'm not sure if there's much you can do to get the smell out 100% but I would get it cleaned by professionals. If your cat is peeing in your home you may have real issues. I would see if your cat pees anywhere else int he main floor of your home and if it does, get rid of it. Cat pee will wreck your home because the smell will linger forever.

  6. Try vinegar.  Undiluted, and lots of it.  But test it on a small area on the back of the couch first, to make sure it won't stain your fabric.

  7. there is a special liquid you can buy at pet stores, I just can't remember the name right now. but it works great.

    You can also make a paste with baking soda and putting it on the stain. It will be almost impossible to get the smell out of the inside of the sofa though.

    Sun exposure helps also.

    Anything you put on the sofa might stain so be careful.

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