
How can i get these flies to leave , ive tried alot of methods & they wont go away!?

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I have my back door open alot during the summer so my puppy can go the bathroom outside, im trying to have these darn flies stay out tho , but i keep trying methods & they arent helping... I would like home remedies since im short on cash plus , chemicals can harm my animals.... what do i do ?




  1. If the flies have become a serious problem in your house, then they are prob. nesting and leaving thier eggs to grow inside of your house. I know it is gross, but the most common place for this to happen is in your kitchen sink. All you have to do is pour bleach down you kitchen sink and it will go down the drain, small food particles get stuck in the pipes and flies often find this a perfect spot for thier eggs and it leaves you scratching your head, woundering why thier numbers increase daily. Start off with some draino or which ever plumbing drainer you prefer then every half week pour bleach down your drains to keep new eggs from hatching. Start keeping your door closed and your puppy will learn to alert you to let him/her outside if he already knows that business goes outside.

    You can kill off remaining flies with some windex, yes windex, but it will only work if you use windex with ammonia. All it takes is one or two quick sprays and they die instantly, just take a washcloth and spray the flies and wipe them up. I have found that after ten to twenty minutes the flies have learned to hide themselfs on black surfaces to camoflage themselves. When it looks like you can find them anymore, look on black surfaces, like the black handles on your oven and refridgerator and such. If your persistant enough, you can have them gone within two to four days and have it done for under five dollars.

  2. place all garbage and dog poo as far away from the house as possible, Use diatomaceous soil; You can get it any feed store.  It is also sprinkled on food of cattle to reduce flies and maggots. diatomaceous soil kills insects and keeps them to a minimum. sprinkle it on the cans and any outside bodies of water.

    put all your left over garbage in a container and put it in the refrigerator  until the day it's going to be picked up, or the night before if your garbage truck comes early; no harm to the pets.

    What is Diatomaceous Earth?

    Diatomaceous earth is a remarkable, all-natural product made from tiny fossilized water plants. Diatomaceous Earth is a  naturally occurring siliceous sedimentary mineral compound from microscopic skeletal remains of unicellular algae-like plants called diatoms. These plants have been part of the earth's ecology since prehistoric times. 30 million years ago

    How does it work?

    To insects DE is a lethal dust with microscopic razor sharp edges. These sharp edges cut through the insect's protective covering drying it out and killing them when they are either dusted with DE or if it applied as a wettable powder spray. If they ingest the DE it will shred their insides.

  3. If it is just for your back door, you could put up a long net curtain / muslin.  These are not expenxive and will allow your puppy to come and go as he needs to and will help to keep the flies out much in the same way a screen door would.  Alternatively, you could hang some strips of flypaper just inside your doorway which are cheap too.

    Good luck with it!

  4. use the fly strips they are long and sticky and the flies fly into and stick on em and die that is the only thing i have ever found usefull over many many years, just be careful not to hang em in a walking path it is h_ll getting out of hair.good luck :)

  5. i found out quite by accident, that by spraying raid ant and fly spray on the inside of may windows then wipe them clean using the raid that that really helped kill the flies.

    flies tend to go to window in order to get out, evidently the raid chemical that remains on the glass after you wiped it on is enough to kill them.

    keep all garbage and dog doo as far away from the house as possible, that's what draws them to the home.

    put all your left over garbage in a container and put it in the fridge till the day it's going to be picked up, or the night before if your trash guys come early in the morning.

    no harm to pets.

    try it.  for a few bucks what do you have to lose?

    good luck to ya

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