
How can i get to Burma to help...PLEASE ASSIST ME....PLZ read?

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Hey a back packer form ireland in australia..Can anyone tell me how to get to burma to help out people....i feel its my duty as sick of back packing.and feel human like everyone its our duty 2 help those!!!!! located in sydney will pay whatever necessary 2 help but really wanna go out there and igve a hand.....all replies please to 0449566506,ciaran..thank you so much..




  1. It's great to know that you're concerned for the Burmese but there is nothing a back packer can do to help, unless you happen to have either superhuman skills or you're related to G W Bush. Any action you take to get there is simply going to divert international resources away from the needy and you will be doing more harm than good.

    The best you, and everyone else who appreciates Burma's plight, can do is to lobby your government to put the Burmese ruling regime under pressure to reform.

  2. I would suggest you contact Non Government Australian aid organisations that are accredited with AusAid, the national body that co-ordinates NGO's emergency assistance overseas.

    A quick browse gave the following NGO's active in the Myanmar emergency:


    Australian Red Cross

    Care Australia

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