
How can i get to learn hockey in nasik???

by  |  earlier

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i ma collegeate ........ i study in kk wagh .........theres no hockey in r college........




  1. get a ball/rolling thing or sliding.if u got rollerskates that would help u out.and find a stik or broom type thing. u can practice on a flat land.

  2. why are you asking in the Dining Out section?   please learn how to use yahoo answers properly

    thank you

  3. First, get a puck.  Or make one out of a MackyD hamburger.

    Then get a long stick.  Then, practice...

  4. hey!!! even i'm 4m nashik !!!! if u stay in Nashik city then try asking at the gymkhana there. i dont know where exactly the gymkhana in city is..... if u stay in nashik road then ask at the jail road gymkhana. if u already know how 2 play hockey then....... wake up man!!! make ur own team n practice. there r so many grounds like Bhosla military school ground, St. Xavier's school ground, bytco ground etc.

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