
How can i get unchapped lips by tomorrow night??

by  |  earlier

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pleasee, i need help!

i needd something that'll workk fastt,

and chapstick isnt workingg.




  1. keep chap stick with u and apply very often!!!!!!!!!

    or get Elizabeth arden stuff

    miracle stuff

  2. put vaseline on your lips tonight.  

  3. First,brush your lips with a toothbrush to get rid of dead skin. Then apply vaseline. Do not l**k your lips as this robs your lips of moisture. If you do l**k them, reapply the vaseline. You can alsouse cocoa butter (that will most likely keep you from l*****g your lips if u feel the desire)

  4. first take a washcloth and get it damp w/ water, then rub ur lips gently to remove dead skin, but not too hard or u could hurt ur skin, then apply vasaline to keep lips nice. DON'T do the washcloth thing everyday!!!!!!!!!!

  5. CARMEX.

    That stuff is God.

  6. Burt's bees chapstick is also pretty awesome... but rubbing your lips with brown sugar before will take off the excess dry skin.  When you have chapped lips it is also usually a sign of mild dehydration so make sure to drink a ton of water.  It will help....and don't l**k your lips!!

  7. Ok this is what you do, and it's guaranteed to work. You should get a scrub (ST. Ives apricot scrub works) take a small amount, wet your lips with some water, and ex foliate with your finger tips...not too harshly, just gently. It will remove all the dead skin cells from your lips. After you are done ex foliating your lips, wash off. Then, apply some chap stick or Vaseline. Keep doing this every hour or so. Your lips will be so much softer and healthier. Hope this helps.

  8. Carmex


    or Blistex.

  9. I would use an item called Aquaphor, I think thats how you spell it.  You can buy it at wallgreens.  We use it for everything, rashes, burns, cuts, dryness etc... Started useing it when my first daughter was born.  The doctor gave us a sample for her rashed bleading bottom.  Healed it in one day.  Since then everyone I tell about it saves them.  They love me for it.  I use it every night before bed.  Eucerin Makes it. Just ask a pharmasist or call wallgreens before you go to see if they have it.

  10. vaseline

    or medicated chapstick, try softlips.

    works wonders (:

  11. vaseline

  12. I know you said that chapstick doesn't work, but literaly every 5 minutes, you need to apply it. Then every 20 minutes add vaseiliene.  I'm serious lol and smack yourself every time you l**k your lips, that makes it 5 times worse!

  13. im telling you CARMEX is AWESOME!!! it soothes, it heals, it protects!

  14. scrub with brown sugar then use vaseline


  15. you have to wet ur lips with water, then take ur toothbrush and gently rub ur lips with it, in smallcircles until allof the skin is removed. Then applya THICK coat of vaseline (petroleum jelly) or natural lip balm likeburt bees at night. tomorrow morning your lips will be super smooth andsoft :)

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