
How can i get up in the morning better?

by Guest67151  |  earlier

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I'm 13. my mom tries everything. I just don't want to wake up! what is a good peaceful not painful way to get up right away?




  1. Think of a friend that you are eager to see.

    That works for me.

  2. Well in terms of being more awake, force yourslef to turn the shower to cold for five seconds. Works for me, and I'm 13 as well. ;-)

  3. Sunlight.  Or even electric lights.  I read that light is a signal to your body that you should be AWAKE.  And you might try music that is not your normal music....put the alarm set to music accross the room so you have to get up to turn off that ucky music that you really don't want to here.  :-)

    And last...if you don't eat after 8 or so you will be hungry...think of something great to eat and that will get you out of bed faster.  Not eating after 8 and waking up your metabolism first thing in the morning is a great way to manage your you get an added bonus!

  4. pour water on you

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